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Walking Promotes Benefits For Lower Back Pain

In 2050, over 800 million people globally estimated to be living with back pain

Approximately 800 million people around the globe have lower back pain, and lower back pain is a leading cause of disability and reduced quality of life. Recently a clinical trial conducted by Macquarie University’s Spinal Pain Research Group investigated whether walking could be an effective, cost-effective, and accessible intervention for lower back pain. Their findings …

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Very early blood pressure control confers both benefits and harms in acute stroke

Very early blood pressure control confers both benefits and harms in acute stroke

Early identification of stroke type could be key to harnessing the benefits of very early in-ambulance blood pressure lowering treatment in patients with suspected acute stroke, according to new research. The findings were presented at the 10th European Stroke Organisation Conference in Basel, Switzerland and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine.(1) Professor …

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The Power of Participating in Clinical Trials: Benefits and Considerations

'Exceptional' results in phase III leukemia trial

Key Takeaways: Clinical trials play a crucial role in the progression of medical research and the introduction of new treatments and therapies to the market. Many people wonder why take part in clinical trials. The advantages can be significant, including access to state-of-the-art therapies and contributing to scientific understanding. Understanding the different components of clinical …

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Can diet help with advanced breast cancer? All indications are positive

Working Out To Fight Back Against Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Women with breast cancer who exclusively ate a whole-foods, plant-based diet lost weight, improved cholesterol levels and other key metabolic factors, had less fatigue, and perceived that they felt sharper mentally and generally more well. The outcomes are from a small study by researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Wilmot Cancer Institute. …

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Long-Term Ketogenic Diet Accumulates Aged Cells In Normal Tissues


Maintaining a continuous long-term ketogenic diet may induce the accumulation of aged cells (senescence) in normal tissues, and this has particular implications for heart and kidney function. However, taking a break from the highly restrictive diet could help with prevention attempts.  Previously the strict and hard-to-adherence to ketogenic diet has become a valuable tool for …

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Brain Training: Is It Really Use It Or Lose It?

Brain Training: Is It Really Use It Or Lose It?

The term “use it or lose it” has been used for countless things, lately, it is being used to convey the message that cognitive health can be preserved or improved with mentally stimulating activities. Numerous modifiable risk factors are associated with the loss of cognitive abilities with age, and a cognitively active lifestyle may have …

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Global Life Expectancy May Increase By 2050

Global Life Expectancy May Increase By 2050

Global life expectancy forecasts have had varied results, some more doom and gloom while others are more optimistic. Keep in mind, that they are all just estimated predictions, and nothing is “set in stone”, the future is hard to determine for absolute certainty.  Any estimates/forecasts as grim or positive as they may be, are not …

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Cardiology team performs novel heart artery repair with newly approved device

Successful 'first in human' clinical trial of pioneering guidance for heart bypass surgery

UC Davis Health cardiology team members are among the first in the country to treat patients with tricuspid regurgitation, or a leaky heart valve, by using a groundbreaking catheter. The minimally invasive procedure, a transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER), is made possible with a new medical device called the Abbott TriClip™ system. UC Davis Medical Center …

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Setting The Spring Congress Stage: Must-Learn Topics + Featured Visionaries

Setting The Spring Congress Stage: Must-Learn Topics + Featured Visionaries

In just a few short weeks, from May 3-5, 2024, the highly anticipated 32nd Annual Spring Congress will bring its invigorating energy to the vibrant city of West Palm Beach, FL. With this year’s theme, “The Metabolic Crisis: From Surviving to Thriving in the 21st Century,” the event will address the most pressing healthcare challenges …

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DNA Damaging Metabolic Byproducts And Aging

16 Genetic Markers Linked to Lifespan

Aldehydes are organic byproduct compounds produced as part of metabolic processes, recent research published in Nature Cell Biology from Nagoya University describes discovering the connections between these byproducts and rapid aging. Their findings may open paths to potential treatment for diseases that lead to accelerated aging and possibly counteract aging among healthy people by controlling …

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