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Introducing Lifestyle Interventions In Preschool Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Introducing Lifestyle Interventions In Preschool Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Implementing school-based programs aimed at teaching healthy cardiovascular health habits as early as preschool can achieve lasting lifestyle changes in children, according to a review published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Previous studies have found that unhealthy lifestyle habits such as a nutritionally poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking, all of …

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When Is The Quest For Anti-Aging Going Too Far?

Stickers May Save Lives

With all the breakthroughs, new drugs being developed, stem cells, senolytics, and the elixir of youth seeming to be appearing on the horizon, is there a need to draw the line, and if so when? Senolytics may eliminate senescent cells effectively stalling the aging process and increase human health span; animal experiments have shown them …

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Rethinking Obesity

Rethinking Obesity

One of the largest gaps between science and practice may be in the way that obesity is treated, years from now a look back may be shocking to see some of the counterproductive ways that globesity has been addressed long after knowing there was a better path to follow. The CDC estimates close to 80% …

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Holidays May Make You Live Longer

Holiday Stress And Bah Humbug Blues

New research claims taking more than three weeks holiday a years could lengthen your life. So the question is should doctors actually prescribe time off to patients with heart problems to ensure stress doesn’t end up killing them? The researchers involved in this study think so. Subjects who had taken less than 3 weeks off …

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Weight Reduction May Reverse Diabetes

Weight Reduction May Reverse Diabetes

Intensive lifestyle-based weight-loss interventions associate with a partial remission of diabetes. Rates of type-2 diabetes are on the rise, in large part due to the obesity epidemic and rising numbers of the aging population. Edward Gregg, from the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC; Georgia, USA), and colleagues investigated the outcomes of a …

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