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Modern Industrialized Societies Are Losing Healthy Gut Microbes

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Modern eating habits have shifted significantly from those of ancient humans, and this is impacting our intestinal flora (gut microbiome). A new study published in Science has found that humans are losing the microbes (cellulose-degrading bacteria) that turn fiber into food for a healthy digestive tract, especially in modern industrialized societies.  Fiber is well known …

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'Good' Bacteria To Tackle Depression

Probiotics May Help Digestive Issues, Boost Heart Health & The Immune System

Intestinal flora plays an important role in health — including mental health. Researchers from the University of Basel and the University Psychiatric Clinics Basel (UPK) have shown that probiotics can support the effect of antidepressants and help to alleviate depression. When he was visited by what he called “the black dog,” Winston Churchill could barely …

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Some Of The Best/Worst Foods For Your Tummy

Some Of The Best/Worst Foods For Your Tummy

Almost everyone knows that gas, constipation, diarrhea and stomach are signs that your digestive system is experiencing issues. Not many are aware that low energy and brittle hair can also be a sign of issues, or that certain foods can either make this worse or better. Following a healthy diet is important to maintaining a …

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