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The Emotional Roller Coaster of Startups: How to Stay Mentally Resilient

Imagine launching a startup with high hopes and enthusiasm, facing unpredictable challenges. A startup founder, John, once described his journey as “riding a roller coaster blindfolded.” One day, he secured a significant investment, and the next, he faced a critical software bug that almost derailed his progress. This emotional whiplash is not uncommon—studies show that …

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The Psychological Benefits Of Maintaining Mobility For Seniors

The Psychological Benefits Of Maintaining Mobility For Seniors

If you want to reduce your risk of dementia, start counting your steps. A study suggests that 3,800 and 9,800 steps a day can significantly help to reduce your risk of mental decline. In fact, many everyday activities, such as doing household chores or gentle exercise, can lower your risk, enhance your overall mental health …

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Understanding the Psychological Impact of Solo Remote Work

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Solo Remote Work

The work landscape has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, with an increasing number of individuals opting for remote work arrangements. One form of remote work that has gained traction is solo remote work, where individuals operate independently from their colleagues in a remote setting. While this setup offers flexibility and freedom, it also …

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Music May Have Health Benefits

Music May Have Health Benefits

Music often speaks when words fail, its universal language soothes your mind, lifts spirits, brings back memories, and provides comfort, and encouragement. Research shows music has benefits ranging from stress relief to improved moods, connecting us to others, and helping to keep our minds sharp. The results from the University of Michigan Nation Poll on …

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Hearing Aids May Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

Hearing Aids May Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

Adults experiencing hearing loss who regularly use hearing aids have a 24% lower risk of death than those who never wear them, according to a new study from the University of Southern California (USC) published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity suggesting that hearing aids may play a protective role in the health of those with …

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Those With Strong Social Relationships May Live Longer

Those With Strong Social Relationships May Live Longer

A recent study called “Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-Analytic Review”, published in PLOS Medicine reviewing data from 148 studies suggests that spending more time in the friend zone nurturing positive connections can promote longevity, finding that developing strong social relationships is associated with living up to 7 years longer.  Humans by nature are …

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Risk of young-onset dementia could be reduced through targeting health and lifestyle factors

Risk of young-onset dementia could be reduced through targeting health and lifestyle factors

Researchers have identified a wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia. The findings challenge the notion that genetics are the sole cause of the condition, laying the groundwork for new prevention strategies. The large-scale study identified 15 risk factors, which are similar to those for late-onset dementia. For the first time, they indicate that …

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1 in 8 Americans Aged 50+ Show Signs Of Food Addiction

Data Driven Definition Of Unhealthy Pervasive Hyper Palatable Foods

Whether you call them comfort foods, highly processed foods, junk foods, empty calories or just some of Americans’ favorite foods and drinks, a sizable percentage of older Americans have an unhealthy relationship with them, according to a new poll. In fact, about 13% of people aged 50 to 80 showed signs of addiction to such …

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Studies Suggest Social Isolation Is A Risk Factor For Dementia In Older Adults, Points To Ways To Reduce Risk

Studies Suggest Social Isolation Is A Risk Factor For Dementia In Older Adults, Points To Ways To Reduce Risk

In two studies using nationally representative data from the National Health and Aging Trends Study gathered on thousands of Americans, researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health have significantly added to evidence that social isolation is a substantial risk factor for dementia in community-dwelling (noninstitutionalized) older adults, …

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