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Biological Effects of Sweeteners Explored


The body’s absorption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and table sugar (sucrose) differs, with potential ramifications for metabolic dysfunction, blood pressure, and kidney function. With growing concern that excessive levels of fructose may pose a great health risk – causing high blood pressure, kidney disease and diabetes – researchers at the University of Colorado …

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Fruits & Vegetables Promote Kidney Health

Eat Smart to Avoid Stroke

A diet high in fruits and vegetables that counteract can help to improve kidney function impaired as a result of high blood pressure (hypertension). In patients with kidney disease, the Western diet produces an acidic environment in the body that has numerous negative effects and worsens with age as kidney function declines. Nimirit Goraya, from …

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Kidney Function Tests Predict Risk of Death


Common tests of kidney function can accurately predict a person’s risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and other causes. An analysis of 21 studies has revealed that it is possible to predict a person’s risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and all causes with two quick and simple tests of kidney function and damage. Kunihiro …

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