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Up to three daily servings of kimchi may lower men’s obesity risk

Up to three daily servings of kimchi may lower men’s obesity risk

Up to three daily servings of kimchi may lower men’s obesity risk and radish kimchi is linked to a lower prevalence of midriff bulge in both men and women Eating up to three daily servings of the Korean classic, kimchi, may lower men’s overall risk of obesity, while radish kimchi is linked to a lower …

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Kombucha To Kimchi: Which Fermented Foods Are Best For Your Brain?

Fermented Foods Can Help To Promote Good Health

The consumption of fermented products is on the rise, and drinks like kombucha and kefir have gone viral in their popularity. But is there more to this than consumers searching for natural and healthy foods?  Many countries around the world have their own staple fermented foods which are ingrained into culture and diet. It can’t …

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Finding Probiotics Outside Of Dairy

Probiotics May Help Digestive Issues, Boost Heart Health & The Immune System

Dairy yogurts contain calcium, protein, and probiotics, but not everyone can tolerate dairy products and some prefer to abstain from animal based products. According to numbers from the US National Library of Medicine as much as 65% of the human population may be lactose intolerant.  For those who are lactose intolerant and those avoiding the …

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Plums Could Help Make Dramatic Changes To Health

Plums Could Help Make Dramatic Changes To Health

Umeboshi or Japanese salt plum is a natural immune system booster, consuming 2 per week could result in significant changes to health. Samurai used the fruit to increase stamina, prevent fatigue, and to support healing. The secret to these plums is the pickling process it goes through, being pickled in barrels with salt and shiso …

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