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Stress Awareness Month: Healthy Coping Methods

Physician Burnout: Rehumanise Healthcare

April is Stress Awareness Month. This national observance aims to raise public awareness of the far-reaching, systemic consequences of chronic stress on physical and mental health. While stress is a natural part of life, chronic stress and severe stress levels can have significant adverse effects when not managed effectively. In individuals with pre-existing genetic vulnerabilities …

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Fatigue And The Adrenals

Fatigue And The Adrenals

Are you feeling like you have no energy and coffee makes it worse; having feelings of haze/brain fog; struggling to maintain weight; having trouble sleeping and are tired even with sleep? If you can answer yes all of these symptoms may be connected, and are a sign of an organ being overworked and strained by …

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Tea Compound May Alleviate Anxiety

Tea Compound May Alleviate Anxiety

Japanese researchers find that L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea, may help people with anxiety focus on their daily activities. L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. Previous studies of dietary supplements of L-theanine have suggested a therapeutic benefit in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving the quality of sleep.  Akiko Higashiyama, …

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