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Basking In Nature May Reduce The Need For Certain Prescription Drugs

Can You Reduce Your Need For Medication With Time In Nature? YES, You Can!

According to a recent study published in Occupational & Environmental Medicine, frequent visits to green spaces like parks and community gardens, rather than the amount, or views of them from home, may be linked to the lower use of certain prescription medications.  Spending time basking in nature might just be the perfect prescription for helping …

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Positive Childhood Experiences of Blue Spaces Linked to Better Adult Well-Being

Seaside Serenity

New research based on data from 18 countries concludes that adults with better mental health are more likely to report having spent time playing in and around coastal and inland waters, such as rivers and lakes (also known collectively as blue spaces) as children. The finding was replicated in each of the countries studied. Mounting …

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