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7 Easy and Delicious Lunch Hacks – Say Goodbye to Boring Meals

7 Easy and Delicious Lunch Hacks - Say Goodbye to Boring Meals

Are you bored of having the same boring lunch options every day? Do you find yourself hurrying to make breakfast in the morning, only to wind up with something bland or unhealthy? If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle to find the time and inspiration to make a tasty and nutritious meal at …

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Should You Worry About "Fried Rice Syndrome"?

Should You Worry About "Fried Rice Syndrome"?

Unfortunately, several years ago a person died from food poisoning from a bacterium called Bacillus cereus which was caused by consuming cooked pasta that was left at room temperature for too long, the case condition is dubbed “Fried rice syndrome.” Recently there has been panic caused on social media as the 2008 case resurfaced. The …

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The Average Person Wastes $3,000 In Groceries Annually

Functional Foods Attracting The Health Conscious

According to a recent random double opt-in survey of 2,000 general population American adults commissioned by HelloFresh and conducted by OnePoll, the average person wastes nearly $3,000 on unused groceries every year. Your earnings are being drained by a number of things and groceries are one of those things on that list. Shopping wisely is …

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