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Hobbies Protect Against Age-Related Declines In Mental Health And Well-Being

Fun and Interesting Ideas for the Budget-Minded Hobbyist

According to a recent study led by UCL researchers published in the journal Nature Medicine, having a hobby is linked to fewer depressive symptoms and higher levels of happiness, as well as higher levels of self-reported health and life satisfaction among those aged 65+, and these findings hold true across 16 countries on three continents. …

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Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

Current recommendations suggest that older adults should get at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week. Unfortunately, most people are not reaching this goal. Looking to help bridge this gap researchers from NC State University investigated pickleball as a way to get older adults …

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Global study identifies neighborhood characteristics that promote walking and cycling

Older Generations Are Better Off Today Than 30 Years Ago

How people perceive their own neighbourhoods may have a lot to do with whether they choose to walk and cycle, according to a global study of nearly 40,000 adults. Simon Fraser University health sciences professor Scott Lear says those who are most likely to walk more than 150 minutes a week for commuting or leisure …

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The Effects Of Exercise In A Pill?

The Effects Of Exercise In A Pill?

There is a documented mountain of science to back up the benefits of exercise. Based on this universally accepted scientific research, health authorities recommend that people participate in a few hours of aerobic exercise every week. Exercise has so many options to choose from, including leisure sports making it more enjoyable, it’s also the not-so-new or …

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Leisure Activities May Help To Improve Longevity

Many Types Of Leisure Time Activities May Lower Risk Of Death For Older Adults

Results of a study recently published in JAMA Network Open suggest that older adults who got the recommended amount of physical activity each week via a variety of leisure activities experienced a reduced risk of death over a decade highlighting the importance of finding ways to stay active that you enjoy which are sustainable throughout …

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Leisure Activities May Improve Longevity For Older Adults

Tips For Maintaining Athletic Edge From Older Tennis Amateurs

Research Matters Highlights: Older adults who got the recommended amount of physical activity per week through a variety of leisure activities had a reduced risk of death over a decade. The results highlight the importance of finding ways to stay active that are enjoyable and can be sustained over time. Physical activity is vital for …

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Many Types Of Leisure Time Activities May Lower Risk Of Death For Older Adults

Many Types Of Leisure Time Activities May Lower Risk Of Death For Older Adults

Older adults who participate weekly in many different types of leisure time activities, such as walking for exercise, jogging, swimming laps, or playing tennis, may have a lower risk of death from any cause, as well as death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a new study led by researchers at the National Cancer …

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To Prevent a Stroke, Household Chores and Leisurely Strolls May Help

High Homocysteine Levels May Increase Risk Of Heart Attack, Stroke, & Alzheimer’s Disease

We recently received an article from the NIH Director’s Blog on stroke prevention via exercise and lifestyle which we thought was informative, so we are sharing it in hopes that it can be helpful to others as well. The article was originally posted by Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. As we get older, unfortunately, our chances …

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Reducing To Less Than An Hour A Day Of TV Time Could Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

Obesity: A Growing Public Health Crisis In America

Watching too much TV is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease regardless of an individual’s genetic makeup, say a team of scientists at the University of Cambridge and the University of Hong Kong. In a study published in BMC Medicine, researchers at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit show that – …

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Golf Fitness: How It Can Help You To Be a Better Golfer

Discover These Remarkable Health Benefits of Playing Golf

While golf is a much more chilled-out sport than many others out there, keeping your golf fitness up is still important if you want to play your best game and stay injury-free.  But what exactly is golf fitness and how do you improve it? Here are our tips for getting fitter to have a positive …

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