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Avoiding Mosquito Bites

Avoiding Mosquito Bites

There is always one person in a group that always get bitten, no matter what, and to be honest that person is me. I say this is because I’m naturally sweet and obviously better than everyone else around me in a joking manner. Due to this I am willing to try just about anything, and …

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Aromatherapy Basics For Better Health

Aromatherapy Basics For Better Health

Aromatherapy is a form of holistic healing with various benefits that range from physical to emotional and psychological of which essential oils play a big role in promoting positive effects. Lavandula angustifolia provides an essential oil that is one of the most popular and commonly used versatile and potent essential oils used in aromatherapy. Lavender …

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Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water to Start Your Day

A glass or two of lemon water in the morning may be an effective way to help attain and maintain good health as the body is quick to absorb nutrients during breakfast allowing it to enjoy the many benefits of citrus enriched water. Lemon contains antioxidants that eliminate free radicals and neutralize acidic environments that …

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Ingredients For Natural Skin Care

Ingredients For Natural Skin Care

It is possible to pamper yourself with a Day Spa without spending a small fortune right from home, some of the ingredients needed might even be right in your kitchen. Nourishing the body with real foods can not only save money but also avoid the possibility of harsh chemicals that may be in commercially sold …

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Essential Oils That May Be Beneficial To ADHD

Essential Oils That May Be Beneficial To ADHD

Three behaviors that interfere with functioning or development define attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. Symptoms vary from person to person, but those with ADHD find it hard to follow instructions, remain focused, and may have challenges with organizational skills that could influence learning ability, social habits, relationships, and daily functioning. Currently there …

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3 Ingredient Daily Tonic For Good Health

3 Ingredient Daily Tonic For Good Health

Humans are fascinated with the concept of miraculous healing whatever form it is available in. Millions of dollars are being spent on searches for cures in the form of traditional medicines, alternative, experimental, and pharmaceutical remedies which will banish ailments and protect from disease. Unfortunately it has not yet been found by conventional pharmaceuticals, and …

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