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Obesity: You May Want To Rethink Eating Late

Obesity: You May Want To Rethink Eating Late

Midnight snacking is said to be bad for health, but there are actually few studies investigating the effects of this on the regulation of calorie intake, calories burned and molecular changes in body fat on body weight regulation and risk of obesity. This small study published in Cell Metabolism conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital …

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National Nutrition Month: The Effects of Sugar Addiction on the Body

National Nutrition Month: The Effects of Sugar Addiction on the Body

While sugar may seem like an innocuous substance to some, the compound can cause severe damage to both physical and mental health when consumed in excessive amounts. Experts believe that high sugar intake is one of the leading causes of rising obesity and chronic disease rates across the globe. What’s more, chronic overconsumption can increase …

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Heroin and Running | Understanding the Reward System of the Brain

The Brain May Not Reach Full Adulthood Until 30

What’s so great about running? If you ask that question to runners, you’ll get a consistent answer: It’s rewarding. But what if we asked that same question about a different topic? This time, what’s so great about heroin? It might not surprise you that the answer given by heroin users is the same as runners. …

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Fat-Secreted Molecule Lowers Response to Common Cancer Treatment

Fat-Secreted Molecule Lowers Response to Common Cancer Treatment

Leptin, a molecule produced by fat cells, appears to cancel out the effects of the estrogen-blocking therapy tamoxifen, a drug commonly used to treat and prevent breast cancers, suggests a new study led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center. The findings, published online Aug. 13 in npj Breast Cancer, could help explain …

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The Connection Between Hormones and Eating Habits

The Connection Between Hormones and Eating Habits

While there are over 200 hormones in the body – estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, leptin, and thyroid hormones are the most commonly known and closely linked to metabolism, fertility, mood, and other vital functions. Changes in hormone production, such as under- or over-production, or interferences in signaling pathways contribute to the development of hormonal imbalances, …

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New Obesity Drug Set To Begin Trials

New Obesity Drug Set To Begin Trials

Drug trials are set to begin in March to test a new drug that its makers say could make obesity a thing of the past. ERX1000, produced by Massachusetts-based ERX Pharmaceuticals, is designed to sensitize patients’ brains to the hormone leptin, which helps people recognize when they’re full.  Previous experiments have shown that the brains …

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Why Food Is More Appealing When Fasting

Why Food Is More Appealing When Fasting

It seems every pastry and sugary delight looks three times as delicious as it is directly proportional to how long it has been since you allowed yourself to indulge in its decadence. Some argue if not for this universal truth we all may be slimmer and healthier. To most it feels like the very second …

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