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Study Finds Women Have More Brain Changes After Menopause

5 Menopause Symptoms That CBD Might Help With

Women who have gone through menopause may have more of a brain biomarker called white matter hyperintensities than premenopausal women or men of the same age, according to a new study published in the online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. White matter hyperintensities are tiny lesions visible on …

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Researchers Find New Strategy For Preventing Clogged Arteries

Researchers Find New Strategy For Preventing Clogged Arteries

Revving up a process that slows down as we age may protect against atherosclerosis, a major cause of heart attacks and strokes. In findings published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine led by Ana Maria Cuervo, M.D., Ph.D., successfully minimized artery-narrowing plaque in mice …

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How herpes checks into the nervous system for life

Differences in herpes virus symptoms may relate to variations in strain gene expression

Herpes-type 1 is sealed with a kiss for a lifetime. More than half of U.S. adults are carriers of HSV1 (herpes simplex virus type 1) which hibernates in the peripheral nervous system and can never be eradicated. A new Northwestern Medicine study published in Nature has uncovered the virus’s sneaky strategy for infecting the nervous …

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Wear And Tear In Vulnerable Brain Areas Lead To Lesions Linked To Cognitive Decline

Wear And Tear In Vulnerable Brain Areas Lead To Lesions Linked To Cognitive Decline

As our brains age, small lesions begin to pop up in the bundles of white matter that carry messages between our neurons. The lesions can damage this white matter and lead to cognitive deficits. Now, researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology and colleagues not only provide an explanation for the location of these lesions but …

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Targeted Nanomedicine Reduces Vascular Lesions, Could Help Prevent Stenosis

Controlling DNA Based Robots

Vascular diseases like atherosclerosis can lead to serious complications, like heart attack or stroke. But many treatments for these diseases target systemic risk factors, such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, rather than repairing damaged blood vessels themselves. A new targeted nanomedicine treatment developed at the University of Chicago has shown promise in reducing vascular …

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A cellular map of brain lesions in multiple sclerosis

A cellular map of brain lesions in multiple sclerosis

Researchers created a detailed map of cells in the expanding lesions involved in more disabling forms of multiple sclerosis. The findings reveal potential new therapeutic targets for progressive disease. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a long-lasting condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. It occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the protective layer that …

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Scientists Build A Cellular Blueprint Of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions

Chronic lesions with inflamed rims, or “smoldering” plaques, in the brains of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) have been linked to more aggressive and disabling forms of the disease. Using brain tissue from humans, researchers at the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) built a detailed cellular map of …

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Exosomes Derived From Human Adipose Tissue Alleviated Atopic Dermatitis

Exosomes Derived From Human Adipose Tissue Alleviated Atopic Dermatitis

Exosomes are nano sized vesicles constantly released by most cells. Ability to travel between cells and deliver cargo such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids makes them good candidates for cell free therapy options to treat a variety of diseases. In this study human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cell derived exosomes are investigated for …

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Hypertension and Dementia Linked in Older Women


University of Pittsburgh (US) researchers find that older women with hypertension are at increased risk for developing brain lesions that cause dementia later in life. In that the small blood vessels in the brain are especially susceptible to damage from even moderately elevated blood pressure, which can cause damage to the white matter served by …

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