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Dating Deception: Sexual Activation Increases Lying

Dating Deception: Sexual Activation Increases Lying

Dating deception: it may come as no real surprise, but a recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology has revealed that when sex is on our minds, lying comes naturally.  First impressions are important, and when it comes to dating this may apply even more so. Most want to be seen in …

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Is The Cost Of New Drugs Being Over Exaggerated

Nearly 25 Million U.S. Workers Now Have High-Deductible Health Plans

The estimated cost of developing a new drug is over $1 Billion according to the pharmaceutical industry, but it has been suggested the actual cost is less than $125 Million. Chief executive officer Andrew Witty of GlaxoSmithKline says “the high cost is one of the greatest myths of the industry”, according to Rueters, and “was …

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