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Newly discovered protein could be used to produce life-saving antifungals

Masks May Be Causing Candida Overgrowth In Your Mouth

Like bacteria, yeasts are found everywhere, even in and around our bodies. And, as with bacteria, you can become infected by yeasts and become ill. Yeasts infect about 150 million people a year and kill about 1.7 million, especially those who are immunocompromised. Yeast cells and human immune system cells rely on surprisingly similar chemical …

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Human Placed Into Suspended Animation

Human Placed Into Suspended Animation

Scientists have placed a human into suspended animation in a development which could offer a glimpse of a pathway to singularity, while it may sound like science fiction, it could save lives. In a procedure Samuel Tisherman describes as being “ a little surreal” the team from the Maryland School of Medicine say they have …

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The End Of Government Medical Research Using Fetal Tissues

The End Of Government Medical Research Using Fetal Tissues

Government officials have announced that it is ending medical research by government scientists using human fetal tissue, disregarding advice from scientists reminding that such research has led to lifesaving medical advances. In a statement Health and Human Services Department announced policy changes will not affect privately funded research, and government funded research conducted by universities …

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