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Modern-Day Conveniences Contribute to Obesity

Modern-Day Conveniences Contribute to Obesity

People who own televisions, computers, and cars appear to be at higher risk for obesity and diabetes, among residents of developing countries. Televisions, computers, and cars are rapidly becoming more available in developing countries. As a consequence, an international study involving 17 countries reports that the spread of obesity and type-2 diabetes could become epidemic.  …

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Manage Your Week to Manage Your Weight

Manage Your Week to Manage Your Weight

How and why the seven-days-a-week human cycle affects weight.` It is common for many people to lose a bit of weight on weekdays and gain a little weight on weekends. Brian Wansink, from Cornell University (New York, USA), and colleagues explored the role of the seven-days-a-week human cycle on weight. The researchers enfolled 80 adults, …

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