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Stroke Recovery: Testing Smart Glove On Hand Mobility

Stroke Recovery: Testing Smart Glove On Hand Mobility

Image: UBC electrical and computer engineering professor Dr. Peyman Servati demonstrating the smart glove. Credit: Lou Bosshart/UBC Media Relations A group of stroke survivors In British Columbia, Canada, will be testing a new groundbreaking smart glove technology, that is described in a paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence, which was designed to aid their recovery …

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Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted from patient information systems with the help of machine learning

According to Professor Roy Taylor, their research has shown that:   Type 2 diabetes is caused by a small amount of excess fat inside the liver and inside the pancreas   It is a potentially reversible condition   If a person has type 2 diabetes, they have become too heavy for their own body (nothing …

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Paralyzed Patient Controls Computer Using Brain With Plug & Play System

Paralyzed Patient Controls Computer Using Brain With Plug & Play System

Scientists are working towards building brain-controlled prosthetic limbs, and this recent study from researchers at the University of California suggests that the task of controlling those machines could be getting much easier, finding that a paralyzed patient was able to control a computer using a new system which learns to work with a user’s brain …

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Mexican Salamander Offers Insights for Regenerative Medicine


Indiana University (US) researchers observe that the axolotl, a Mexican salamander, regrows whole limbs lost to injury, studying this regenerative mechanism in hopes of applying the knowledge to help humans who have lost limbs.   Observing that in limbs amputated from the axolotyl salamander, the organism is capable of reprogramming somatic cells to form a …

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