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Positive Outlook Is Key Anti-Aging Strategy

Positive Outlook Is Key Anti-Aging Strategy

To reach and enjoy 100+ years of age, University of Georgia (US) team reveals that maintaining a positive outlook on life is more important than biological markers of health. In that complex interactions between biological, psychological, and sociological factors impact longevity and health, Leonard W. Poon, from the University of Georgia (Georgia, USA), and colleagues …

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Volunteering May Prolong Longevity

Volunteering May Prolong Longevity

Adults who experience difficulties with everyday tasks may benefit from volunteering. While volunteering has been shown to provide a multitude of health benefits for the volunteer, an Arizona State University (Arizona, USA) team finds that older adults with functional limitations may reap life-extending benefits from volunteerism. Morris Okun and colleagues analyzed data collected from 916 …

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