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FDA Approves First NGS Based Companion Diagnostic


Next generation sequencing based companion diagnostics with the potential to detect multiple lung cancer mutations has been approved by the FDA. Unlike most test that are run exclusively by labs in which they were developed, these NGS based tools can be distributed all over the USA, FDA approval signal shifts in diagnostics. Only a single …

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Radon is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, occurring naturally as the decay product of uranium or thorium. Its most stable isotope, 222Rn, has a half-life of 3.8 days. Radon is one of the densest substances that remains a gas under normal conditions. It is also the only gas that is radioactive under normal …

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Breakthrough in Assessing Early-Stage Lung Cancer


CT scans may serve as an effective screening test that detects tumors at an early, more treatable stage. One of the most common and lethal forms of cancer in the US, lung cancer usually grows silently for years before symptoms arise that lead to diagnosis and treatment. By then, the cancer has typically reached an …

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New Technique Holds Promise for Early Non-Invasive Detection of Lung Cancer


Partial wave spectroscopic (PWS) microscopy accurately spots lung cancer and holds promise as early detection technique. While early detection is critical for improving cancer survival rates, techniques to accurately identify lung cancer, among the deadliest of all cancers, in its early stages has remained elusive.   Hemant K. Roy, from the University of Chicago (Illinois, USA), …

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Daily Variety of Fruits & Vegetables May Slash Lung Cancer Risk

Daily Variety of Fruits & Vegetables May Slash Lung Cancer Risk

Analysis of data from study involving over 452,000 subjects shows that dining on a daily variety of fruits and vegetables helps to decrease the risks of lung cancer. Previous research has shown the influence of the quantity of fruits and vegetables on cancer development.  H. Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita, from The National Institute for Public Health and …

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B-Vitamin Linked to Lower Lung Cancer Risk

B-Vitamin Linked to Lower Lung Cancer Risk

Study of 400,000 participants finds that those with higher blood levels of vitamin B6 and the essential amino acid methionine are at a lower risk of lung cancer. In that deficiencies in B vitamins may increase the probability of DNA damage and subsequent gene mutations, a team of scientists from the International Agency for Research …

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Green Tea May Modify Lung Cancer Risk

Green Tea May Modify Lung Cancer Risk

A Taiwan study finds that not only may drinking green tea exert a protective effect for non-smokers, but may also modulate the effect of smoking, on lung cancer. Green tea is especially high in polyphenols, a potent type of antioxidant, and previous studies have shown that drinking green tea may confer anti-cancer benefits.  I-Hsin Lin, …

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Radon Gas Kills 20,000 Americans Each Year


A radioactive gas that emanates from rocks and soils and tends to concentrate in enclosed spaces such as basements and first floors of residential homes, the World Health Organization International Radon Project recently issued new findings on the scope and impact of radon on human health. Radon is a radioactive gas that emanates from rocks …

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