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Colorful fresh foods improve athletes' vision

Age Fighting Foods

Nutrition is an important part of any top athlete’s training program. And now, a new study by researchers from the University of Georgia proposes that supplementing the diet of athletes with colorful fruits and vegetables could improve their visual range. The paper, which was published in Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, examines how a group …

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Improved Dietary Supplement For Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

NIH Highlights At A Glance: Replacing a component of a dietary supplement for treating age-related macular degeneration improved its safety and efficacy over a 10-year period. The results demonstrate the merits of the supplement formulation, called AREDS2. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disease of the eye that is the most common cause of …

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The Top 6 Nutrients for Brain Longevity

The Top 6 Nutrients for Brain Longevity

Did you know brain health is one of the strongest indicators of longevity? And that of all the factors affecting brain function, nutrition may have an even more significant impact than most? What we eat can affect memory, mood, ability to think clearly, and how long the brain operates at optimal levels. Healthy brain aging …

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Women can live better with an improved diet

Eat The Rainbow

Women tend to live longer than men but typically have higher rates of illness. Now, new research from the University of Georgia suggests these higher rates of illness can be improved by a better diet, one that is high in pigmented carotenoids such as yams, kale, spinach, watermelon, bell peppers, tomatoes, oranges and carrots. These …

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NIH Study Confirms Benefit Of Supplements For Slowing Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Antioxidant Making Old Blood Vessels Like New Again

According to the press release, the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS and AREDS2) established that dietary supplements can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Americans. In a new report, scientists analyzed 10 years of AREDS2 data. They show that the AREDS2 formula, which substituted antioxidants …

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Antioxidant Making Old Blood Vessels Like New Again

People with higher levels of antioxidants in their blood may be less likely to develop dementia, according to a study published in the May 4, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study found that people with the highest levels of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin and …

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Dried goji berries may provide protection against age-related vision loss

Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

Regularly eating a small serving of dried goji berries may provide protection against age-related macular degeneration, or AMD AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in seniors A small study of healthy participants found 90 days of consumption increased protective pigments in the eye Regularly eating a small serving of dried goji berries may …

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Bountiful Broccoli Benefits

Broccoli Battles Diabetes

Broccoli is among the bountiful beneficial beauties coming from the cruciferous vegetable family that has some compelling reasons which have been scientifically proven to prevent and kill cancer cells, reduce tumor, and helps to prevent their spread. The vegetable has been found to contain some powerful bioactive phytochemicals that can help to fight cancer, arthritis, …

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Maximizing Lutein Antioxidant Derived From Spinach

Maximizing Lutein Antioxidant Derived From Spinach

To get the most of your spinach consider using it in the form of a smoothie or juice, as new research suggests that this is the best way to obtain the antioxidant lutein, as published in the journal Food Chemistry. Dark green vegetables contain high levels of lutein, spinach was chosen as it contains comparatively …

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Lutein Aids Night Vision

Lutein Aids Night Vision

Daily supplements of lutein, a carotenoid compound, may help to improve vision under low ambient light conditions. Carotenoids are plant-based pigments that lend carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, collard greens, papaya, bell peppers, and tomatoes their bright colors. Previous studies have suggested that consumption of carotenoids may be valuable in the prevention of cancers, heart …

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