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Study Shows Potential Dangers Of Sweeteners

Study Shows Potential Dangers Of Sweeteners

Recent research has discovered that common artificial sweeteners can cause previously healthy gut bacteria to become diseased and invade the gut wall, potentially leading to serious health issues. The study, published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, is the first to show the pathogenic effects of some of the most widely used artificial sweeteners …

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Your Body’s Disease Defenses: Building and Boosting the Immune System

The Immune System Is Charged When You Sleep

Every day while you eat, sleep, work, and play, battles are being fought throughout your body. You rarely feel it. But bacteria, viruses, and other microbes are constantly invading from the outside world. Your body has a defense system against such invaders. It’s called the immune system. Your immune system is made up of trillions …

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How Fat Takes Over The Lymph Nodes As We Age

How Fat Takes Over The Lymph Nodes As We Age

A new study from researchers at Uppsala University presents novel findings on why human lymph nodes lose their function with age and the consequences for the effectiveness of our immune system. The article has been published in The Journal of Pathology. Lymph nodes normally serve as the headquarters of our immune system. When we get …

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Scientists Identify Potential New 'Soldier' For Cancer Immunotherapy

Could Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Improve Cancer Immunotherapy?

On April 20, 2022, researchers at the Sloan Kettering Institute reported in the journal Nature that a recently discovered new immune cell “soldier” could be a good target for immunotherapy, raising hopes that it might help narrow the gap between people who respond and those who do not. The new cells, which the scientists have …

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