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With training, people in mind-controlled wheelchairs can navigate normal, cluttered spaces


A mind-controlled wheelchair can help a paralyzed person gain new mobility by translating users’ thoughts into mechanical commands. On November 18 in the journal iScience, researchers demonstrate that tetraplegic users can operate mind-controlled wheelchairs in a natural, cluttered environment after training for an extended period. “We show that mutual learning of both the user and …

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Engineers light the way to nerve-operated prosthetics of the future

Paralyzed Patient Controls Computer Using Brain With Plug & Play System

Biomedical and electrical engineers at UNSW Sydney have developed a new way to measure neural activity using light — rather than electricity — which could lead to a complete reimagining of medical technologies like nerve-operated prosthetics and brain-machine interfaces. Professor François Ladouceur, with UNSW’s School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, says the multi-disciplinary team has …

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Trust Me, I’m A Chatbot-?

Trust Me, I’m A Chatbot-?

More and more companies are using chatbots in customer services. Due to advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, chatbots are often indistinguishable from humans when it comes to communication. But should companies let their customers know that they are communicating with machines and not with humans?  Researchers at the University of Göttingen investigated …

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People may trust computers more than humans

People may trust computers more than humans

Despite increasing concern over the intrusion of algorithms in daily life, people may be more willing to trust a computer program than their fellow humans, especially if a task becomes too challenging, according to new research from data scientists at the University of Georgia. From choosing the next song on your playlist to choosing the …

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Your Organs May Outlive You

Your Organs May Outlive You

According to research some parts of the body age faster than others, suggesting that some may even outlive their owners. Could gaining a better understanding of this process help us to live longer, it stands to reason yes, as not only can our biological age be different from our chronological age, it varies from organ …

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Stabilizing Brain Computer Interfaces

AI Developed Drugs

A machine deep learning algorithm has been developed in collaborative research with the possibility to reduce the need for brain computer interfaces to undergo re-calibration. Recent research has greatly improved brain computer interfaces and their ability to remain stabilized during use, and has reduced or even potentially could eliminate the need to re-calibrate the devices …

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AI May Be As Accurate As Human Experts

AI May Be As Accurate As Human Experts

Artificial intelligence is able to interpret medical images after being training with deep learning algorithms, which according to some studies is suggested to be on par with human experts when it comes to making medical diagnoses based on imaging.  This could potentially ease strain on resources, free up time for more doctor patient interaction, and …

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