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Study estimates nearly 70 percent of children under six in Chicago may be exposed to lead-contaminated tap water

Excess fluoride linked to cognitive impairment in children

A new analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimates that 68 percent of Chicago children under age six live in households with tap water containing detectable levels of lead. For their analysis, the researchers used machine learning, an artificial intelligence technique, to gauge likely levels of lead in …

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Stroke Recovery: Testing Smart Glove On Hand Mobility

Stroke Recovery: Testing Smart Glove On Hand Mobility

Image: UBC electrical and computer engineering professor Dr. Peyman Servati demonstrating the smart glove. Credit: Lou Bosshart/UBC Media Relations A group of stroke survivors In British Columbia, Canada, will be testing a new groundbreaking smart glove technology, that is described in a paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence, which was designed to aid their recovery …

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Artificial Intelligence and Your Health: How Computers are Helping Medicine

New AI Model Can Estimate Your Age By Looking At Your Chest

There’s a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, or AI, these days. AI is everywhere—from virtual assistants to facial recognition software. The technology is even assisting doctors and scientists. So what exactly is AI? And how is it helping advance scientific research? “AI is basically trying to teach computers to ‘think’ in the same way …

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Poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted from patient information systems with the help of machine learning

Poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted from patient information systems with the help of machine learning

The risk for poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted with confidence by using machine learning methods, a new study from Finland finds. The most important factors predicting glycemic control include prior glucose levels, duration of type 2 diabetes, and the patient’s existing anti-diabetic medicines. The researchers examined glycaemic control …

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Blood-based metabolic signature outperforms standard method for predicting diet, disease risk

Blood-based metabolic signature outperforms standard method for predicting diet, disease risk

When it comes to studying food and diet, it’s difficult to know what people are eating — let alone their risk of disease caused by what they eat. Doctors and researchers usually ask people to fill out a long-from food frequency questionnaire that estimates caloric intake, food groups and nutrients. That relies on a person’s …

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Newly identified Neuromarker reveals clues about drug and food craving

Diabetes Drugs Being Tested For Anti-Aging Benefits

Craving is known to be a key factor in substance use disorders and can increase the likelihood of future drug use or relapse. Yet its neural basis — or, how the brain gives rise to craving — is not well understood. In a new study, researchers from Yale, Dartmouth, and the French National Centre for …

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Individualized Fingerprints From Sleep Brainwaves Provide Powerful New Tool For Understanding Disease

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tailored To Anxiety

According to a press release, a team led by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, in close collaboration with investigators at Mass General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center has developed a powerful computational tool for understanding brain health and disease, providing an enhanced …

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Healthcare Researchers Must Be Wary Of Misusing AI

People may trust computers more than humans

An international team of researchers, writing in the journal Nature Medicine, advises that strong care needs to be taken not to misuse or overuse machine learning (ML) in healthcare research. “I absolutely believe in the power of ML but it has to be a relevant addition,” said neurosurgeon-in-training and statistics editor Dr. Victor Volovici, first …

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Engineers Develop New Tool That Will Allow For More Personalized Cell Therapies

Engineers Develop New Tool That Will Allow For More Personalized Cell Therapies

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities team has, for the first time, developed a new tool to predict and customize the rate of a specific kind of DNA editing called “site-specific recombination.” The research paves the way for more personalized, efficient genetic and cell therapies for diseases such as diabetes and cancer. The study is …

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“Math Neurons” Identified In The Brain

Can Scientists Find The Formula To Better Aging?

The brain has neurons that fire specifically during certain mathematical operations. This is shown by a recent study conducted by the Universities of Tübingen and Bonn. The findings indicate that some of the neurons detected are active exclusively during additions, while others are active during subtractions. They do not care whether the calculation instruction is …

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