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Researchers treat depression by reversing brain signals traveling the wrong way

Magnetic Stimulation Of The Brain May Prevent Age Related Memory Decline

A new study led by Stanford Medicine researchers is the first to reveal how magnetic stimulation treats severe depression: by correcting the abnormal flow of brain signals. Powerful magnetic pulses applied to the scalp to stimulate the brain can bring fast relief to many severely depressed patients for whom standard treatments have failed. Yet it’s …

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Researchers Develop A New Way To Find Cancer At The Nanometre Scale

Researchers Develop A New Way To Find Cancer At The Nanometre Scale

Diagnosing and treating cancer can be a race against time. By the time the disease is diagnosed in a patient, all too often it is advanced and able to spread throughout the body, decreasing chances of survival. Early diagnosis is key to stopping it. In a new Concordia-led paper published in the journal Biosensors and …

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Real-world fast brain MRI in outpatient setting offers substantial business benefits

Real-world fast brain MRI in outpatient setting offers substantial business benefits

The use of fast brain MRI protocols in the outpatient setting may offer “substantial” business benefits to the specialty, experts charged Friday. Previous investigations have demonstrated accelerated magnetic resonance imaging’s impact in dropping the time it takes to acquire scans while delivering similar quality, but few have explored the potential operational gains. Massachusetts General Hospital …

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Magnetic stimulation of the brain can improve episodic memory, study finds

Magnetic Stimulation Of The Brain May Prevent Age Related Memory Decline

Memories of past events and experiences are what define us as who we are, and yet the ability to form these episodic memories declines with age, certain dementias, and brain injury. However, a study publishing in the open-access journal PLOS Biology on September 28thby Mircea van der Plas and Simon Hanslmayr from the University of …

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Can People Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field?

Can People Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field?

Humans may just have magnetoreception abilities according to a study published in eNeuro, based on analysis of brain waves when subjects were surrounded by different magnetic fields that suggests people may have a “sixth sense” for magnetism. Some animals can sense the Earth’s magnetic field and use it for navigation, scientists have long wondered whether …

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Nano-Bot Can Probe Inside Human Cells

Nano-Bot Can Probe Inside Human Cells

Engineers from the University of Toronto have built a set of magnetic tweezers that can position a nano-scale bead inside human cells in three dimension with unprecedented precision; nano-bots have been used to study properties of cancer and may point the way to enhanced diagnosis and treatment. For two decades Professor Yu Sun and his …

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Are Wireless Earphones Dangerous To The Brain?

Are Wireless Earphones Dangerous To The Brain?

Experts are warning Apple AirPods and similar technologies can send an electromagnetic field through the brain, 250 scientists have signed a petition to regulate this trendy technology in the best interest of consumer safety. This trendy wireless bluetooth headphone fits right into the ear canal, the close proximity of AirPods to the brain and inner …

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Controlling DNA Based Robots

Controlling DNA Based Robots

A magnetic control system has been devised by researchers at the Ohio State University to make tiny DNA based robots move on demand and do it much faster than previously possible, reducing response time from several minutes to less than a second in the prototype nanorobot, as published in the journal Nature Communications. This discovery …

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Negative Emotion Perception Altered With Magnetic Brain Stimulation

Negative Emotion Perception Altered With Magnetic Brain Stimulation

Processing of negative emotion can be weakened or strengthened by tuning the excitability of the right frontal part of the brain according to a study published in Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.   Despite the use of inhibitory stimulation methods that are currently used to treat depression, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques show that …

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World’s First Human Brain-to-Brain Interface

World’s First Human Brain-to-Brain Interface

The world’s first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface is achieved via electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation. University of Washington (Washington, USA) researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet to control the hand motions of …

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