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Biosensor Detects Brain Tumors With Less Than A Drop Of Blood

Biosensor Detects Brain Tumors With Less Than A Drop Of Blood

Despite significant advances, mortality from brain tumors remains high with five-year survival rates of 36%, according to the National Cancer Institute. More accurate diagnoses might improve the situation, but tissue biopsies are invasive and can miss important information about a tumor’s make-up. Imaging-based methods, meanwhile, do not offer sufficient sensitivity and resolution. Now, researchers reporting …

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Higher Fish Consumption May Be Associated With Increased Melanoma Risk

Eating Fish Once A Week Linked To Higher IQ And Better Sleep

Eating higher levels of fish, including tuna and non-fried fish, appears to be associated with a greater risk of malignant melanoma, suggests a large study of US adults published in Cancer Causes & Control. Eunyoung Cho, the corresponding author said: “Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the USA and the risk of developing …

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Study: Taller Adults May Be At Increased Risk For Colorectal Cancer

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

A new meta-analysis, or data examination of several independent studies, by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers, adds to evidence that taller adults may be more likely than shorter ones to develop colorectal cancer or colon polyps that can later become malignant. While the association between taller height and colorectal cancer has been previously investigated, the Johns …

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Novel treatment makes pancreatic cancer susceptible to immunotherapy, mouse study shows

Novel treatment makes pancreatic cancer susceptible to immunotherapy, mouse study shows

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive and deadly tumor types and is notorious for its resistance to virtually all types of treatment, including newer immunotherapies. A new study — in mice — from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that blocking a major inflammatory pathway that is activated in pancreatic …

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Scientists Find a New Way to Reverse Immune Suppression in Tumors

Scientists Find a New Way to Reverse Immune Suppression in Tumors

Malignant tumors can enhance their ability to survive and spread by suppressing antitumor immune cells in their vicinity, but a study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian has uncovered a new way to counter this immunosuppressive effect. In the study, published Sept. 20 in Nature Cancer, the researchers identified a set of …

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Targeted Drug Found Effective In Thwarting Pancreatic Tumors

Pancreatic Cancer Immune Target Identified

Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the pancreas, a long and flat gland located behind the stomach that helps with digestion and blood sugar regulation. Because pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect early, it is associated with a low survival rate, accounting for just over 3% …

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Cancer-linked mutation accelerates growth of abnormal stroke-causing brain blood vessels

Very early blood pressure control confers both benefits and harms in acute stroke

Researchers have discovered an explanation for why cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs)—clusters of dilated blood vessels in the brain—can suddenly grow to cause seizures or stroke. Specifically, they found that a specific, acquired mutation in a cancer-causing gene (PIK3CA) could exacerbate existing CCMs in the brain. Furthermore, repurposing an already existing anticancer drug showed promise in …

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New Glioblastoma Atlas

Workplace Sun Exposure Causing Skin Cancer

International A team of renowned neurologist, pathologists, and bioinformaticians have unveiled a glioblastoma atlas making headway against the highly aggressive brain cancer. Glioblastoma is the most common form of cancer which is most often malignant in adults, details on the Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas as published in Science. The Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas comprehensively maps out information …

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