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Emerging Gene Therapy Start-Ups

Transplanting Cells Holds Promise For Obesity And Diabetes

“Gene therapies have proven to deliver transformational benefit to patients who suffer from devastating diseases with significant, unmet medical need.” Lexeo Therapeutics is entering the market with $85 million, 18 gene therapy programs spanning from rare and more prevalent monogenic diseases, and an impressive team.  Ronald Crystal, a gene therapy veteran founded Lexeo Therapeutic with …

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Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

  3D printing has come a long way since invention, making leaps and bounds for it’s uses since experts first started experimenting with the technology. Use of 3D printing is more than just a fun bit of technology, it now plays important roles in manufacturing, intersection of design, and prototyping consumer products that may otherwise …

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Cancer Connection

Cancer Connection

The blood cancer non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs at greater incidence in relation to proximity near petroleum refineries and manufacturing plants. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a blood cancer, has been on the rise over the past few decades as industrial production in the United States has expanded. Benzene is one chemical carcinogen linked to blood cancers. Catherine Bulka, from …

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