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Neuroscientists Roll Out First Comprehensive Atlas Of Brain Cells

Neuroscientists Roll Out First Comprehensive Atlas Of Brain Cells

When you clicked to read this story, a band of cells across the top of your brain sent signals down your spine and out to your hand to tell the muscles in your index finger to press down with just the right amount of pressure to activate your mouse or track pad. A slew of …

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New Model For Solving Novel Problems Uses Mental Map

New Model For Solving Novel Problems Uses Mental Map

How do we make decisions about a situation we have not encountered before? New work from the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, Davis, shows that we can solve abstract problems in the same way that we can find a novel route between two known locations — by using an internal …

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Startup Aims To Create An AI Map Of The Immune System


The New York based startup Immunai is launching with $20 million in seed money, as it builds its team and platform the MedTech hopes that it can enable new methods of diagnosing and treating disease to improve patient outcomes.  “All human diseases involve the immune system. We are on a mission to decode the immune …

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Micro Implant May Restore Lower Body Function

Micro Implant May Restore Lower Body Function

New research published in Scientific Reports from the University of Alberta reveals a map aimed at identifying which parts of the spinal cord may trigger areas that put movement together such as the hips, ankles, toes, and knees.  Vivan Mushahwar has been working over two decades working to bring her dream of helping people to …

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First Full Diagram Of An Animal’s Nervous System Assembled

First Full Diagram Of An Animal’s Nervous System Assembled

The first complete wiring diagram of the nervous system of an animal has been assembled by researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine which was focused on Caenorhabditis elegans, and reveals some significant differences between the sexes of this species, as published in the journal Nature. Lead author Dr. Scott Emmons marks this as …

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Sewers Of The World Flush With Antimicrobial Resistance

Sewers Of The World Flush With Antimicrobial Resistance

International research has created a global map of antimicrobial resistance by analyzing samples of untreated domestic sewage to identify antimicrobial resistant genes in a metagenomic analysis of sewage samples across 60 countries to characterize abundance and diversity of AMR, as published in Nature Communications. Systematic differences in the diversity and abundance of AMR gene between …

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