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Sustainable Macroalgae Aquaculture: Seaweed Might Be The Next Big Thing

Researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute have developed a method to enhance seaweed, doubling the antioxidants, tripling the natural sunscreen quantity, and increasing the unique protective pigments found within it of high medicinal value by tenfold. Their study has been published in the journal Marine Drugs.  “Seaweed, also …

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Algae-based food goes global: scaling up marine aquaculture to produce nutritious, sustainable food

Algae Could Fuel And Feed The World

Terrestrial agriculture provides the backbone of the world’s food production system. An opinion article published October 17 in the open access journal PLOS Biology by Charles H. Greene at the University of Washington, Friday Harbor, Washington, US and Celina M. Scott-Buechler at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, US makes the case for increased investment in …

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Microplastics Could Harm Humans by Acting as Toxin ‘Magnet,’ Study Finds

Microplastics Could Harm Humans by Acting as Toxin ‘Magnet,’ Study Finds

Microplastics are everywhere, from Mount Everest to the Arctic, from dinner plates to baby diapers. But is this ubiquitous pollution actually a danger for human health?  A new study from the University of Tel Aviv presents solid evidence that it is. The researchers found that ocean microplastics act as a “magnet” for toxic organic substances, …

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You May Be Eating Enough Plastic To Make A Credit Card Every Week

You May Be Eating Enough Plastic To Make A Credit Card Every Week

Alarmingly, according to new reports, you may be unknowingly ingesting 5 grams of plastic every week, that disturbingly is enough to make a credit card with. According to the No Plastic in Nature: Assessing Plastic Ingestion from Nature to People Report the biggest culprits were bottled and tap water, but plastic was found in beer, …

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Ocean Creatures May Hold Key for New Infectious Disease Drugs


Tomorrow’s life-saving medications may currently be living at the bottom of the sea. Ocean animal species have existed in harmony with their bacteria for millions of years, these benign bacteria have devised molecules that can affect body function without side effects and therefore better fight disease. Oregon Health & Science University (Oregon, USA) researchers, in …

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