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Mature Heart Muscle Cells from Stem Cells

Mature Heart Muscle Cells from Stem Cells

University of Wisconsin/Madison (US) team utilizes micropatterned substrates to successfully culture cardiomyocytes. To-date, researchers have been able to differentiate human embryonic stem cells (hESC) into immature heart muscle cells. But these cells are unable to develop the robust internal structures—repeating sections of muscle cells called sarcomeres—that enable cardiomyocytes, mature heart muscle cells, to produce the …

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Social Interactions Are An Important Anti-Aging Strategy

Social Interactions Are An Important Anti-Aging Strategy

Loneliness may increase the risk of premature death by 14%, among older men and women. Previously, research has suggested that social isolation may shorten a person’s lifespan. John T, Cacioppo, from the University of Chicago (Illinois, USA), and colleagues completed a study involving 20,000 older men and women, revealing that loneliness may increase the risk …

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