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Journaling as a Health and Wellness Tool: Strategies for Effective Tracking

Journaling as a Health and Wellness Tool: Strategies for Effective Tracking

Journaling has become a powerful tool that many have adopted post-pandemic. While wellness journaling has always been around, it’s more impactful today than ever. That’s because life can get busy, and keeping organized is difficult. But by getting things down on paper, it’s not only easier to keep track of things, but it also helps …

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The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

The Healthy Groom: Integrating Wellness into Daily Grooming Routines

Most people believe that grooming is all about your physical appearance. However, there is so much more that comes from a daily grooming routine. It helps promote self-care and self-improvement attributed to more than just your appearance. Grooming is involved in your overall wellness, along with other necessary aspects like nutrition and exercise. Cleanliness, hygiene, …

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Sleep-Anxiety Connection: How to Manage with Effective Bedtime Routines

Stressed Out Of Sleep Stats

Our internal worlds shape our external circumstances, and when something is off balance with our mental health, our bodies quickly follow suit. Most people on the planet are familiar with the uneasy feeling of waking up in the middle of the night with a tight chest and a sense of trepidation about what tomorrow will …

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Leaky Gut Syndrome: What It Is, How To Diagnose It, And Steps To Improve Gut Health

Leaky Gut Syndrome: What It Is, How To Diagnose It, And Steps To Improve Gut Health

Our gut health is directly related to how we feel overall and our immune system. With ever-changing diets and how our body processes food, one condition that has started to be talked about is leaky gut syndrome. You may have heard about it in the discussion of increased intestinal permeability.  Here we take a deeper …

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Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: How it works and Tips for Success

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss: How it works and Tips for Success

Intermittent fasting has been around since the 1800s but really came around again in the 200s. Studies have taken a closer look at the weight-loss approach and have come up with a number of benefits.  There are a lot of different approaches to intermittent fasting, including the times you can and cannot eat and what …

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Eating for a Healthy Blood Circulation in Legs: A Nutritional Approach?

Restoring Blood Flow To The Brain

Having good blood circulation in your legs is key for so many reasons. Whether you are someone who exercises a lot and is looking for better recovery through good blood flow or you are someone who is at risk for blood clots. In both scenarios having good blood flow is equally important.  There are many …

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Eating for a Healthy Bladder: A Nutritional Approach

Urinary Incontinence

“Overactive bladder is common. It affects up to 33 million adults in the U.S., including as many as 30% of men and 40% of women,” according to the Cleveland Clinic.  This is such a high statistic for a problem that not many people want to talk about.  But the reality is that many people are …

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Ways to Be Active That Don’t Feel Like Exercise

Late-life exercise shows rejuvenating effects on cellular level

Let’s face it, sometimes exercise is hard. And as we age, it can feel counterintuitive to want to exercise. However, sometimes getting tired by being active is the best way to combat feeling tired!  Exercise is not for everyone, so finding ways to be active and not feel like exercise is important. There are plenty …

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