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Why Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Biohacking Bioidentical Hormones

This article was written by Mila McManus, M.D. and it can be found on her blog at The Woodlands Institue. Dr. McManus is the A4M member of the month, as a functional medicine specialist, she practices preventive and personalized patient care and believes in a proactive approach to healthcare.  Bio-identical hormones are hormones that are …

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What Is Autophagy?

What Is Autophagy?

This article was written by Mila McManus, M.D. and it can be found on her blog at The Woodlands Institue.  Dr. McManus is the A4M member of the month, as a functional medicine specialist, she practices preventive and personalized patient care and believes in a proactive approach to healthcare.  What in the world is aah-TAAH-fuh-jee …

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