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Psychedelic Pearls: Revolutionary Insights from the Inaugural State Of-Mind Event

Psychedelic Pearls: Revolutionary Insights from the Inaugural State Of-Mind Event

Experts in functional psychiatry and neuroscience, cofounders of specialty-leading companies, and pioneers in psychedelic-assisted therapy gathered in Miami, FL, at the start of the month to kick off A4M’s inaugural State Of-Mind: A New Era in Psychedelic Medicine conference. Joining them were hundreds of visionary practitioners eager to learn how to leverage the rising potential …

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The Future is Psychedelic: Pioneering a Mental Health Revolution

The Future is Psychedelic: Pioneering a Mental Health Revolution

The global mental health crisis continues escalating at an alarming pace. Depression and anxiety alone currently cost the world economy $1 trillion annually. Experts project this economic burden could swell to a staggering $6-16 trillion by 2030 as rates of mental illness proliferate across the globe. In the United States, mental health conditions already rank …

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MDMA Clinical Trials


5 US sites are now enrolling volunteers for MDMA assisted psychotherapy clinical trials, with 9 more enrolling participants soon, making the idea of MDMA moving from out of nightclubs into doctor’s offices a possibility. Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies is a nonprofit organization focused on researching medical benefits of psychedelics and marijuana which has announced …

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Hallucinogens: Potential Mental Health Benefits

Psychedelic Drugs Promote Neural Plasticity

Scientists are exploring potential benefits of using hallucinogens for use in treatment on anxiety, depression, PTSD, as well as other mental health disorders, and have presented research at symposium. Traditionally psychedelics drugs are thought of as relics from hippie generations or taken by music festival and rave goers, but one day soon such drugs may …

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