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7 Easy and Delicious Lunch Hacks – Say Goodbye to Boring Meals

7 Easy and Delicious Lunch Hacks - Say Goodbye to Boring Meals

Are you bored of having the same boring lunch options every day? Do you find yourself hurrying to make breakfast in the morning, only to wind up with something bland or unhealthy? If so, you are not alone. Many people struggle to find the time and inspiration to make a tasty and nutritious meal at …

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Seeking The Perfect Salad

The Surprising Superfood No One Talks About: A Cardiologist Explains

According to a random double opt-in survey involving 2000 general population adult Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Fresh Express, the average person is eating 4 salads a week, but only 14% are using the dressing as a dip on the side rather than toppings, and iceberg lettuce seems to be set to overtake …

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Tracking How Meals Affect Metabolism At Home

Pasta And Weight Loss

According to research published in the journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, from the Anglia Ruskin University, it may be possible to capture the impact of a meal on metabolism outside of a controlled lab environment by a device that may be the first to allow people to monitor their metabolic fuel use …

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Meal Replacement Shakes vs. Protein Shakes – What’s the Difference?

On Your Way to Whey Power

With so many different kinds of nutritional drinks, protein shakes, and meal replacement smoothies in the market, anyone can get confused. So, it is okay if you are wondering about meal replacement vs. protein shakes and which is suitable for you. By the end of this article, you will be able to differentiate between the …

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A Guide To Spicing Up Any Meal – No Seriously

A Guide To Spicing Up Any Meal - No Seriously

In this day and age, one of the easiest things to turn to when you’re feeling down is a nice meal. But even your favorite food can be a little dull if you eat the same thing over and over again. That’s why it’s important to shake things up a bit every now and then, …

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More Evidence That The DASH Diet Is Good For Heart Health

DASH and TLC diets earn top spots in the “Best Diets” report

Studies consistently cite the DASH diet as being one of the most heart-friendly diets that can help to make significant improvements in the biomarkers that are associated with systemic inflammation and subclinical cardiac injury, according to a study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.  The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) …

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Healthy Eating Plans That Help To Lower Risk Of Cancer And Heart Disease

Lose Weight Without Going Hungry

According to research recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine, there are at least 4 healthy eating plans that can help to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. These diets recommend eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains while avoiding refined grains and limiting red meat as well as processed foods.  The researcher …

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Breakthrough Research Finds Meal Timing Is Key To Longevity

Breakthrough Research Finds Meal Timing Is Key To Longevity

Plant-based diets have long been the focal point of longevity research as they have proven to stave off chronic disease, improve biological markers of aging, and aid in weight management, among many other benefits. Current dietary interventions primarily encourage the consumption of plant-based foods and the elimination of processed ingredients. However, emerging research suggests that …

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Eating Supper Early Associated With Lower Risk Of Cancers

Later Breakfast Consumption Associated With Higher BMI

Individuals who ate their evening meal before 9PM or wait at least two hours after eating before going to sleep have lower risk of prostate and breast cancer according to researchers from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, as published in the International Journal of Cancer. Consuming an early supper or leaving a gap of …

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You Are WHEN You Eat

You Are WHEN You Eat

The timing of meals may predict the achievement of weight management goals. Previous studies with animal models suggest a relationship between the timing of feeding and weight regulation.   Frank Scheer, from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues evaluate the role of food timing in weight-loss effectiveness in a group of 420 individuals who …

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