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Previously Unknown Cell Mechanism Could Help Counter Cancer And Aging

Previously Unknown Cell Mechanism Could Help Counter Cancer And Aging

In a new study, researchers from the University of Copenhagen discovered an unknown mechanism of how cells ‘remember’ their identity when they divide – the cells’ so-called epigenetic memory. As time passes and we get older, many cells need to replenish themselves. They do so by dividing into new cells: Heart cells, skin cells and …

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Brain mechanism tied to age-related memory loss found

'Zombie' genes? Research shows some genes come to life in the brain after death

As the brain ages, a region in the hippocampus becomes imbalanced, causing forgetfulness. Scientists say understanding this region of the brain and its function may be the key to preventing cognitive decline. Working with rats, neuroscientists at Johns Hopkins University have pinpointed a mechanism in the brain responsible for a common type of age-related memory …

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Key Neural Mechanism Believed To Support Advanced Cognitive Abilities Uncovered

Study Links Gene To Cognitive Resilience In The Elderly

Mount Sinai scientists have discovered a neural mechanism that is believed to support advanced cognitive abilities such as planning and problem-solving. It does so by distributing information from single neurons to larger populations of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that temporarily stores and manipulates information. It is well established that …

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A mechanism by which cells build 'mini-muscles' underneath their nucleus identified

A mechanism by which cells build 'mini-muscles' underneath their nucleus identified

Image: Super-resolution microscopy image of a migrating human osteosarcoma cell. MAGENTA MARKS FOCAL ADHESIONS, AND GREEN NON-MUSCLE MYOSIN II (NMII). F-ACTIN BUNDLES ARE SHOWN IN GREY Image credit: University of Helsinki, Jaakko Lehtimaki  Research has uncovered how motor protein myosin, which is responsible for contraction of skeletal muscles, functions also in non-muscle cells to build …

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‘Jumping genes’ repeatedly form new genes over evolution

‘Jumping genes’ repeatedly form new genes over evolution

In the same way that Lego pieces can be arranged in new ways to build a variety of structures, genetic elements can be mixed and matched to create new genes, according to new research. A long-proposed mechanism for creating genes, called exon shuffling, works by shuffling functional blocks of DNA sequences into new genes that …

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Potentially Pivotal Discovery on the Mechanism of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Infection

ChromaDex NR Study Results For COVID-19

Researchers at The Wistar Institute have discovered a new enzymatic function of the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) protein EBNA1, a critical factor in EBV’s ability to transform human cells and cause cancer. Published in Cell, this study provides new indications for inhibiting EBNA1 function, opening up fresh avenues for the development of therapies to treat EBV-associated …

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Intense Light Therapy May Protect Against Heart Attacks

Intense Light Therapy May Protect Against Heart Attacks

According to a report published in the journal Cell Reports, intense light therapy may help to protect the heart from tissue damage and boost heart health; findings suggest this could potentially be helpful to those who have had a heart attack, especially before surgery.  “If the therapy is given before high risk cardiac and non-cardiac …

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Black Ginger: Natural Viagra

Frisky Business

Legendary reputation of this spice can precede itself, particularly if you are from the East. Kaempferia parviflora is renowned for its effects on male sexuality, endurance, sexual prowess, and increasing libido. Viagra works via a mechanism known as phosphodiesterase inhibition: Phosphodiesterase-5 in particular is an enzyme that cleaves a bond into the compound cAMP known …

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