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How pathogenic bacteria weather the slings and arrows of infection

How pathogenic bacteria weather the slings and arrows of infection

Infectious diseases are a leading cause of global mortality. During an infection, bacteria experience many different stresses — some from the host itself, some from co-colonizing microbes and others from therapies employed to treat the infection. In this arms race to outwit their competition, bacteria have evolved mechanisms to stay alive in the face of …

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High Fat Diets Contribute To Irregularities In The Hypothalamus

High Fat Diets Contribute To Irregularities In The Hypothalamus

Following an unhealthy diet has been well documented to correlate with obesity, but it has not been explored as to how following this diet can bring about neurological changes in the brain. Recently Yale research has discovered that high fat diets contribute to irregularities in the hypothalamus regios which regulates body weight homeostasis and metabolism.  …

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Obesity Hinders Neurons That Control Eating Behaviors

Obesity Hinders Neurons That Control Eating Behaviors

According to a study published in Science, obesity may hinder activity of neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area associated with controlling eating behaviors to basically take the brakes off food intake which further fuels pathological eating and obesity. Garret D. Stuber, PhD and colleagues from the University of North Carolina report, “findings demonstrate how diet …

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Genes Reveal Clues On Longevity

Genes Reveal Clues On Longevity

Experts claim to be able to predict whether a person can expect to live longer or die sooner than average by looking at an individual’s DNA and analyzing combined effects of genetic variants which influence lifespan, using a scoring system they have created; those in the top 10% of the population may live up to …

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Fat Reduction Mechanisms From Exercise

Could Blocking A Gene Cure Obesity?

Scientists from the University of Copenhagen suggest that they have uncovered the underlying metabolic mechanisms of how physical activity aids reduction of belly fat; signalling molecule IL-6 was found to play key roles in lipid breakdown processes, as published in Cell Metabolism. A small controlled clinical trial consisting of 12 weeks of bicycle exercise intervention, …

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Blood Metabolites Define Rate of Aging

Blood Metabolites Define Rate of Aging

British team identifies 22 metabolites linked to aging, one of which is correlated to birthweight. Scientists have found that key metabolites in blood — chemical ‘fingerprints’ left behind as a result of early molecular changes before birth or in infancy — could provide clues to a person’s long-term overall health and rate of aging in …

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