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Mind & Body Practices May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Mind & Body Practices May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Yoga and meditation are great ways to help combat stress and maintain strong mental health, research also shows that their effects may translate to physical health as well. Anecdotal statement report lower blood sugar levels after doing some form of these practices, now a recent study from USC Keck School of Medicine published in the …

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Mindfulness: Yoga And Meditation During Social Distancing And Isolation

Meditation and Yoga Change DNA

For many of us our workout routine has been derailed and anxiety levels have increased due to the current state of affairs. Gyms and studios across the world have been shut down while this virus runs its course. However, this does not mean that you should just flat out stop exercising.  It is possible to …

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Mindfulness May Help Reduce Opioid Cravings & Reduce Pain

Mindfulness May Help Reduce Opioid Cravings & Reduce Pain

Addiction to opioids can be debilitating and have fatal consequences. This addiction is a hard habit to kick and forces many to seek out help from various treatment methods such as rehab and counseling. Rutgers University research suggests that a combination of mindfulness techniques and medications may help those who are trying to break the …

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The Immune System Is Charged When You Sleep

The Immune System Is Charged When You Sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, the next day you may be in a bad mood, or find yourself staring blankly into thin air as you yawn endlessly while your productivity plummets. While all this is taking place some less than obvious effects are taking place as a result of not getting enough sleep that …

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Recovery After A Heart Attack

World Health 10 Part Healthy Heart Series: Part VI

Early in 2017 Biggest Loser fitness trainer Bob Harper had a most unexpected heart attack, many followed media reports and his journey of return to fitness and plant diet that has taught many about life after a heart attack, bringing attention to a serious condition most never even think about, until it’s too late. After …

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Exercise Makes You Younger On Genetic Levels

Exercise Program Improving Lives Of Elderly In Living Care Homes

Exercise has been shown in many studies to slow down aging process by supporting healthy organs, and it is suggested that effects of exercise can be observed on genetic levels. Cells undergo multiple rounds of division in which DNA is replicated in order for each cell to have its own copy throughout a person’s lifespan. …

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