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Staying Positive And Upbeat Everyday Using Simple Skills

Staying Positive

Recently many people celebrated the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, a holiday celebrating light over darkness, real and spiritual. The holiday is a reminder of how hard it is to stay positive in a world, for millennia, that has evil in it. We light candles for 8 nights to give a physical expression of light, joy, …

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How To Deal With Depression And Anxiety This Holiday Season

Taking A More Healthful Approach To The Holidays

Holidays, occasions, and festivals can be enjoyable, yet for many Christmas may remain uncelebrated without family and friends around them. Unfortunately, not everyone has the benefit of being with a loved one on every occasion. Recently if someone has lost a loved one, any holiday, or single day for that matter, can be sadder and …

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Mindfulness For Your Health: The Benefits Of Living Moment By Moment

Looking To Decompress Your Stress? Trying Getting Some Fresh Air

Paying attention to what’s going on right this second can be hard. We often spend more time thinking about what’s coming up in the future. Or dwelling on things in the past we can’t change. We can miss out on experiencing the present. It’s possible to train yourself to focus on the present moment. You …

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Feeling Stressed?: Ways To Improve Your Well-Being

Coronavirus Anxiety: How to Cope with Stress, Panic & Self-Isolation

Have you been feeling more stressed than usual? Many people are during these challenging times. The over the past year the current events have made many people feel overwhelmed. Everyone feels stress sometimes. It’s a natural response to a challenge or demand. Stress can come from the day-to-day pressures of work and family. But stress …

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7 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Can Add More to Your Life

7 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Can Add More to Your Life

Life is about so much more than adding years to your life. On their own, adding more years to your life will just make you older. You want years that give you the chance to reap the most you can you’re your life. Adding vitality and verve to your next decades is as easy as …

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Dealing With The Introvert Hangover

Dealing With The Introvert Hangover

Many of us feel groggy after spending time with a large group of people, and if it was for a long period of time you may even feel drained the next day too. If you are left feeling drained, groggy, brain foggy, and lethargic after spending time with people you may be experiencing the introvert …

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