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Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Adult Female Hormones?

Are More Women Choosing Personalized Medicine?

Intermittent fasting is becoming a very popular and effective way to lose weight, but there are some who are worried that following the warrior’s diet could have a negative impact on women’s reproductive hormones. A study recently published in Obesity conducted by the University of Illinois Chicago brings new evidence to the discussion.  The Warrior …

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Frequency of Premenstrual Anxiety, Mood Swings a Public Health Issue, Study Finds

Period Problems: Fibroids, Endometriosis, and Other Issues

Premenstrual mood swings and anxiety are so common – experienced by more than 64% of women– that they represent a “key public health issue globally,” according to a new UVA Health study. The UVA Health study found that most women have premenstrual symptoms every menstrual cycle, and those symptoms regularly affect their day-to-day lives. One …

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Progesterone for Mental Health

Progesterone is essential for a long and healthy life. The body’s need for progesterone spans an entire lifetime, from being essential for conception to offering resilience and gentle aging. In women, progesterone is secreted in the second half of the menstrual cycle from the released corpus luteum and, in much greater quantity, by the placenta …

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How Do Hormone Imbalances Affect Physical and Mental Health?

How Do Hormone Imbalances Affect Physical and Mental Health?

There are many factors to consider when optimizing health and wellbeing, yet one of the most important ones often goes unaddressed in conventional medical practice. As functional and integrative specialists know, hormone levels are a crucial parameter to assess as even the slightest shifts within the endocrine system can have significant effects on the entire …

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Hormones and PMS Symptoms

Menstrual Cycles Can Be A Sign Of Health

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a monthly condition that afflicts many women ranging from young girls (sometimes even before menses) to women approaching menopause. Symptoms related to PMS typically occur after ovulation, during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (beginning approximately 14 days before menstruation), and cease at menstruation or shortly thereafter. The type and …

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Powerful TCM Found To Have Anticancer Potential

Powerful TCM Found To Have Anticancer Potential

Vitex rotundifolia/beach vitex/Man Jing Zi, a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine has been studied for its medicinal properties. In traditional medicine it is used to treat a variety of ailments ranging from eye problems to menstrual disorders. The medicinal plant is well known today for its anticancer properties as several studies have shown it …

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