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The Metabolic Revolution: 32nd Annual Spring Congress Takeaways

The Metabolic Revolution: 32nd Annual Spring Congress Takeaways

From May 3-5, West Palm Beach, Florida, hosted the 32nd Annual A4M Spring Congress, an event that continues to shake the industry and challenge the boundaries of conventional medical care. Fueled by a collective commitment to transforming lives, thousands of health professionals gathered to engineer a future where merely surviving is no longer the norm …

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Is Pickleball Good For Your Health?

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

Are you considering picking up a paddle and trying your hand at pickleball, but you are wondering if pickleball is good for your health or how many calories you lose if you play pickleball? The purpose of this article is to look at studies that cover the following characteristics of pickleball to answer some common …

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Inherited predisposition for higher muscle strength may protect against common morbidities

Increasing Prevalence Of Muscle Dysmorphia Among Young People

A study conducted at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä showed that a genetic predisposition for higher muscle strength predicts a longer lifespan and a lower risk for developing common diseases. This is the most comprehensive international study to date on hereditary muscle strength and its relationship to morbidity. …

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Mind Matters: Evidence-Based Approaches to Strengthen Mental Resilience

Mind Matters: Evidence-Based Approaches to Strengthen Mental Resilience

In today’s fast-paced and frequently difficult world, being mentally resilient is crucial to overcoming a variety of obstacles and setbacks. The capacity to constructively respond to hardship, trauma, and stress is known as mental resilience, and it is essential for maintaining psychological and general well-being. Fortunately, people may strengthen their mental resilience and lay a …

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The Gut-Weight Axis: How Microbiome Health Shapes Weight Management Outcomes

The Gut-Weight Axis: How Microbiome Health Shapes Weight Management Outcomes

The multifaceted and dynamic gut microbiome may be key to unlocking optimal weight management outcomes as the intricate gut-weight connection orchestrates metabolic harmony, aligning targeted weight maintenance with inner microbial health. At the core of integrative, whole-person care lies the understanding that the human body is a network of interconnected systems, each interacting with and …

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A Senior's Guide to Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

A Senior's Guide to Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

Investing in your health becomes even more important as you age. People are at a greater risk of certain ailments as they get older, from diabetes to high blood pressure. To minimize the risk and ensure you can live your healthiest, happiest life, it’s important to take care of yourself. Here are some practical and …

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Ageism: Does Trying To Look Younger Make A Difference?

Ageism: Does Trying To Look Younger Make A Difference?

We live in an aging society, and millions of older Americans are spending their hard-earned money and time trying to look younger than they are. They are coloring their hair, buying hair regrowth products, using teeth whiteners, using wrinkle fillers, buying complexion-altering moisturizers, dressing younger, and much more. All of this to look younger, in …

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Stress Can Make You Look And Feel Older

Worse Biological Health Linked To Financial Stress

Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror when you are frazzled and think you look older, then asked a friend “Is it just me, or do I look older?” It’s not just you, even young people look and feel older when they are stressed, according to a recent study published in …

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Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed suggests that scrolling social media before a workout may be detrimental to your progress, finding that the habit leads to a 29% decrease in workout performance due to mental fatigue.  This study investigated the possible effects of mental fatigue induced by smartphone social media use on volume load …

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Healthful Longevity Promoting Secrets Of SuperAgers

Healthful Longevity Promoting Secrets Of SuperAgers

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia is increasing with an aging population, as such researchers are looking to find approaches that help protect us as we age. Studies suggest that an exclusive group called SuperAgers may hold clues to learning more about aging and age-related health issues. Superagers are people over the age …

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