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Low-Intensity Exercise Linked To Reduced Depression

Growing Your Own Produce Promotes Better Nutrition And Less Waste

According to a study published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews by researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) who conducted a global umbrella review of studies examining the potential effects of physical activity on mental health, low to moderate intensity exercise significantly helps to reduce the rates of depression. The researchers found that physical …

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Being Physically Active While In Nature Helps Prevent Several Diseases

Being Physically Active While In Nature Helps Prevent Several Diseases

Research from the University of Exeter published in Environmental International suggests that participating in physical activity while being surrounded by natural environments helps to prevent almost 13,000 cases of non-communicable diseases a year in England which could save the healthcare cost of more than £100 million. In their Global Status Report on Physical Activity 2022, …

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Cold Water Swimming May Help Improve Symptoms Of Menopause

Cold Water Swimming May Help Improve Symptoms Of Menopause

Women who regularly swim in cold water report experiencing significant improvements to both their physical and mental menopause symptoms, according to research recently published in Post Reproductive Health that was led by researchers from the University College London (UCL).  This study involved 1114 women, 785 of whom were experiencing symptoms of menopause to examine the …

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New research shows “profound” link between dietary choices and brain health

New research shows “profound” link between dietary choices and brain health

Published in Nature, the research showed that a healthy, balanced diet was linked to superior brain health, cognitive function and mental well-being. The study, involving researchers at the University of Warwick, sheds light on how our food preferences not only influence physical health but also significantly impact brain health. The dietary choices of a large …

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Weight Training: Good For The Body And Mind

Strength Training May Reduce Risks Of A High Protein Diet

Weight training has been shown to help reduce body fat and increase both muscle strength and mass in older people, contributing to functional autonomy (the ability to perform the various tasks required in daily life independently) and avoidance of falls and/or injury. A recent study published in the journal Psychiatry Research suggests that weight training …

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Feeding the lonely brain

Dasotraline May Help To Improve Binge-Eating Disorder

A new UCLA Health study has found that women who perceive themselves to be lonely, exhibited activity in regions of the brain associated with cravings and motivation towards eating especially when shown pictures of high-calorie foods such as sugary foods. The same group of women also had unhealthy eating behaviors and poor mental health. Arpana …

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Establishing Healthy Routines In Youth Creates Better Outcomes

Fitness Since Childhood Associated With Cerebellar Grey Matter Volume

Establishing healthy long-term recreational habits in our youth has been shown to have a beneficial impact on both physical and mental health later in life, but some groups appear to be missing out on the benefits disproportionately, such as academic high achievers, those with low self-confidence, and females, according to recent research from the University …

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Greener Streets Linked To Better Sleep

Those Living Near Nature Have Better Mental And Physical Health

Nature nurtures: Living on a greener street or having views of blue spaces from your residence may help you to sleep for longer according to research across 18 countries that was led by the University of Exeter’s European Centre for Environment and Human Health published in the journal Environmental Research, finding that living near visible …

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PMS: More To It Than Mood Swings

Girls Are Getting Their First Periods Earlier

During the days leading up to their period (as well as during), women often experience disruptions in their sleep patterns and heightened feelings of anger. This study published in The Journal of Sleep Research, set out to shed light on the intricate relationship between women’s menstrual cycles, emotions, and sleep patterns.  “Our research provides valuable …

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Biophilia: The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Inside

Biophilia: The Benefits Of Bringing Nature Inside

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines biophilia as a hypothetical human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature: a desire or tendency to commune with nature. The term was coined by the Harvard naturalist Dr. Edward O. Wilson to describe what he saw as humanity’s “innate tendency to focus on …

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