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Computer Game May Slow Cognitive Decline

Computer Game May Slow Cognitive Decline

Playing a mental agility computer game has been shown to slow cognitive decline in older people. Playing certain types of computer games may help to keep the brain sharp and ward off cognitive decline, new research suggests. Professor Frederic Wolinsky of the University of Iowa College of Public Health, and colleagues investigated the effect of …

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Novel Diagnostic for Schizophrenia


Neurons in the nose could be the key to early, fast, and accurate diagnosis. Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental illness that is often difficult to diagnose, especially in its early stages.  Noam Shomron, from Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine (Israel), and colleagues have discovered a method for physical diagnosis — by collecting tissue …

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Green Spaces Promote Well-Being

Green Spaces Promote Well-Being

Enabling city dwellers to reconnect with nature, parks and urban gardens help to relieve mental distress and improve life satisfaction. In that urbanization poses a potential threat to mental health, previously published studies suggest that urban green spaces, such as parks and gardens, may improve well-being.  Mathew White, from the University of Exeter (United Kingdom), …

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Vascular Status Predicts Cognitive Decline


Stroke and subclinical markers of vascular disease may be predicative of those older patients with type 2 diabetes who may develop cognitive decline. In that previous studies suggest that vascular disease may contribute to increased risk of accelerated cognitive decline in people with type 2 diabetes, Scottish researchers investigated whether stroke and subclinical markers of …

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Exercise Your Brain

Exercise Your Brain

Cognitive training exercises – and completing crossword puzzles and Sudoku – may help to prevent cognitive decline in aging. Mild cognitive impairment (cognitive decline that is more than normal for someone of a specific age) affects 10%-25% of people over age 70. The annual rate of decline to dementia (which is cognitive decline in several …

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Music Lessons Early in Life May Help Preserve Brain Function with Age

Music Lessons Early in Life May Help Preserve Brain Function with Age

Canadian team reports that taking music lessons before the age of 7 years helps to create stronger connections in the brain. Previous research suggests that training during a sensitive period in development may have greater effects on brain structure and behavior than training later in life.  Virginia Penhune, from Concordia University (Canada), and colleagues tested …

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