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Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

Strategies For Seniors To Achieve Financial Mental Health

As seniors navigate their retirement years, they need to prioritize not only their financial well-being but also their mental health. Achieving financial stability and peace of mind can significantly contribute to a sense of security and overall well-being. Seniors who are under financial stress may exhibit symptoms like worry, despair, and sadness, according to Blue …

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How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

To cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling life as we age, spending time amidst greenery can be a key strategy. Studies have revealed that just about two hours per week in natural environments like parks or forests significantly boosts health and mental wellness. This isn’t just a blanket statement; its benefits extend across various demographics, …

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The Ultimate Guide to Skin Health

Understanding the Differences in Skincare Products for a Balanced Routine

Your skin is a powerful organ. It protects you from various toxins in the world around you. It helps you to meaningfully interact with your environment. For many people, skin is also a boost to their self-confidence. It should come as no surprise, then, that prioritizing skin health can positively impact your life. That said, …

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Cognitive Fitness: Exercising Your Brain

Memory Biomarkers Confirm Aerobic Exercise Helps Cognitive Function in Older Adults

The brain is an amazing and mysterious organ, and it makes sense to do everything that you can to take care of it as it is incredibly important. While there is no magic pill to protect the brain from cognitive decline or a miracle food to ensure that it stays sharp as you age, there …

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Killing Us Softly (and Early): Chronic Stress and America’s Life Expectancy Crisis

Life expectancy is a key indicator of a nation’s health and well-being. However, despite having similar resources to other developed countries, life expectancy has seen a concerning decline in America. Most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals U.S. life expectancy has declined to 76.4 years, the shortest in nearly …

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Creating Sensory-Safe Havens: A Guide for Parents of Neurodivergent Children

Aging Changes The Senses

When a child is neurodiverse, it simply means their brain functions differently than what’s considered typical. Many conditions can fall under the neurodivergent umbrella, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and dyslexia. Regardless of whether they have one of these conditions, neurodiverse kids have distinct strengths and challenges that impact their mental functions and …

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Optimizing health at menopause

5 Menopause Symptoms That CBD Might Help With

Although about half of people go through menopause, less than 15% of them receive effective treatment for their symptoms. Treatment options for people experiencing irritating or severe menopause symptoms are often under-researched, and some have questionable efficacy, or cause harmful side effects. In a comprehensive review published in the journal Cell on September 6, a …

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Health Tips from a Certified Nurse: Taking Care of Yourself

What Is Good For The Heart Is Good For The Brain: 6 Lifestyle Tips

The pursuit of a healthy life is more than a goal; it’s a cornerstone for quality living, affecting everything from longevity to mental well-being. And yet, true health extends beyond mere exercise regimens and dietary choices; it also demands attention to less obvious but equally vital elements—timely medical interventions, mental fortitude, and an environment conducive …

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Challenging Aging Myths Dispelling Misconceptions About Growing Older

Fruit Flies Live Longer With Combination Treatment

We live in an era of intense scrutiny of the concept of aging. This preoccupation has evolved, unfortunately, into a lucrative industry for some who seek to profit from our collective fears. The market is rife with dubious claims and misleading information, from magical anti-aging serums to sensational stories about miraculous longevity diets. It’s a …

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Pet Dogs to the Rescue: Furry Friends Can Help Human Health

Pet Dogs to the Rescue: Furry Friends Can Help Human Health

Dogs share our homes and environments. They grow up with us and grow old with us. And as they age, dogs tend to get many of the same health problems that we do—conditions like obesity, heart problems, cancer, and mental decline. Most of the genes found in dogs are also found in humans. Because we …

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