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Intermittent Fasting For Gut Health And Weight Management

Intermittent Fasting For Gut Health And Weight Management

A study recently published in the journal Nature Communications from Arizona State University (ASU) and colleagues suggests that those following an intermittent fasting and protein pacing regimen experienced better gut health, improved weight management, and improved metabolic responses which were notably better than the benefits experienced among those on a simple calorie restriction regimen.  The …

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Can Flaxseeds Help You Lose Weight?

Can Flaxseeds Help You Lose Weight?

Flaxseeds are fiber rich and may help improve cholesterol levels, according to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism flaxseeds may also be used to help promote weight loss naturally. Flaxseed come in two types: golden and brown, both offer many health benefits, and the usual serving size for ground …

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Only 12% Of American Adults Are Metabolically Healthy?

Only 12% Of American Adults Are Metabolically Healthy?

A study from the University of North Carolina researchers suggests that only 12% of American Adults are considered to be metabolically healthy, meaning  a vast portion of the population is at greater risks of developing heart disease, diabetes, or other health conditions over time, as published in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. 5 …

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