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Exercise Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Physical Fitness Preserves Thinking & Memory

Research suggests that exercise reduces a woman’s breast cancer risk by increasing the production of “good” estrogen metabolites. Regular aerobic exercise may reduce a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by altering estrogen metabolism. Mindy S Kurzer, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota in Saint Paul, …

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Cancer Changes Cell Metabolism


Pinpointing cancer-associated changes in metabolism of cells may be an effective early detection technique. Via gene expression data analysis, Denis Vitkup, from Columbia University Medical Center (New York, USA), and colleagues have identified hundreds of new potential targets in the early detection and treatment of cancer.  The team found that cancer-induced changes in metabolism are …

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Green Tea Compounds Boost Antioxidant Protection

Green Tea Compounds Boost Antioxidant Protection

Among people with Metabolic Syndrome, green tea may confer antioxidant protection key to cardiovascular health. Metabolic Syndrome is a condition Characterized by central obesity, hypertension, and adverse glucose and insulin metabolism; it is associated with increased risk of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Arpita Basu, from Oklahoma State University (Oklahoma, USA), and colleagues enrolled 35 …

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Lack of Sleep Raises Obesity, Diabetes Risks


Extended light exposure due to lack of sleep can impair the body’s internal clock and adversely affect metabolism. Maintaining a proper sleep pattern is critical for healthy metabolic function, and mild disruptions to the circadian rhythm (the body’s internal clock) can lead to obesity and diabetes.  Claudia Coomans, from Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands), …

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Metabolic Benefits of Exercise Revealed

Metabolic Benefits of Exercise Revealed

Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) researchers uncover biochemical changes underlying metabolic benefits of exercise. While it is commonly accepted that exercise provides numerous and wide-ranging beneficial effects, the underlying biochemical changes have remained elusive.  Robert Gerszten, from Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues developed a set of comprehensive plasma metabolite signatures characterizing the metabolic changes …

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Protein Deficiency Promotes Lean Weight


UCSD (US) researchers discover that lack of the FIH protein may help control weight, in an animal model. Factor inhibiting HIF-1alpha, FIH, is protein that serves as an essential regulator of metabolism, as it is involved in the response to low levels of oxygen.  University of California in San Diego (UCSD; California, USA) researchers have …

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Green Tea Extract May Promote Weight Loss


Among a group of overweight men, a purified extract of green tea increased energy expenditure and promoted weight loss. Several researchers have studied green tea and its potential as a weight management beverage, focusing on epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a compound in green tea that has been found to increase energy metabolism and fatty acid oxidation. …

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Chocolate May Slash Stress


Switzerland-based research team assesses the metabolic effects of dark chocolate consumption on energy, gut microbiota, and stress hormones. In that dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, previous studies have suggested its potential value in preventing coronary heart disease.   Sunil Kochhar, from the Nestle Research Center (Switzerland), and colleagues have found that …

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