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Heavy metals in our food are most dangerous for kids

The Path From Pollutants In Food To A Heightened Allergic Response

The problem of foodborne metal contamination has taken on new urgency, thanks in part to a 2021 US Congressional Report detailing high levels of metals found in infant food pulled off grocery shelves.?(More recently, high levels of lead were discovered in children’s fruit puree pouches.) Now, two new studies provide information on the correlation between …

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Exposure To Lead, Cadmium, And Arsenic Increases Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

Why You Must Know if Your Heart Calcium Score is Zero

Most people around the world are exposed to low or moderate levels of lead, cadmium, and arsenic in the environment on a regular basis, unfortunately, this increases the risk of stroke, peripheral artery disease, and coronary artery disease according to a recent American Heart Association statement published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.  …

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Personal Care Products: Look Out for Harmful Ingredients

Buyer Beware … Makeup at Stores Can Make You Very Sick!

Shampoo. Shaving cream. Deodorant. Makeup. Hair dye. Perfume and cologne. These and dozens of other products may be in your shower, gym bag, or medicine cabinet. But do you know what’s in them? Could any of their ingredients be risky for your health? Personal care products, including cosmetics, are regulated by the U.S. Food and …

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Exposure To Toxic Metals May Increase Risk Of Clogged Arteries

The Path From Pollutants In Food To A Heightened Allergic Response

Toxic metals in the environment may increase the risk of atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque in the arteries that can prevent blood and oxygen from reaching major organs. Arsenic and cadmium, metals that can be found in food, water and tobacco, plus titanium, which can come from dental and orthopedic implants, cosmetics or auto manufacturing, …

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Chemicals From Hair And Beauty Products Impact Hormones, Especially During Pregnancy

New Diagnostics For Alzheimer's? Detecting Dementia In The Blood

The use of certain personal care products during pregnancy may impact maternal hormone levels, according to a new Rutgers study. Personal care and beauty products contain several ingredients that often include a wide range of endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, parabens, phenols, parabens and toxic metals. These chemicals interact with hormone systems, influencing synthesis, regulation, transport, …

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We are beset by issues concerning hormone balance. We already understand many of the issues that arise when hormones simply decline with aging. We know that plants have hormone-like activity. For instance, there are the estrogen qualities in soy or adrenal adaptogens such as ginseng. We can harness these plant effects to help us. We …

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Clearing The Body Of Toxins

Clearing The Body Of Toxins

Most people have heard of chemtrails, but most don’t know much about them. Some claim they know exactly what they are, some claim they are fodder for conspiracy theorists, and others adamantly insist they are real and pose a serious health risk. Those who believe chemtrails are dangerous are adamant these are clouds of chemicals …

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