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Age-Related Changes In Lipid Metabolism

Age-Related Changes In Lipid Metabolism

Researchers from RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Science (IMS) report discovering numerous changes in the lipid metabolism of mice, across both organs and sexes. Among the changes described in Nature Aging was the selective accumulation throughout the body of certain lipids produced by the gut bacteria with age, as well as a sex difference in …

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Intermittent Fasting For Gut Health And Weight Management

Intermittent Fasting For Gut Health And Weight Management

A study recently published in the journal Nature Communications from Arizona State University (ASU) and colleagues suggests that those following an intermittent fasting and protein pacing regimen experienced better gut health, improved weight management, and improved metabolic responses which were notably better than the benefits experienced among those on a simple calorie restriction regimen.  The …

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Cranberry Extracts May Promote Gut Health

Cranberry Extracts May Promote Gut Health

Cranberries are popular meal additions around Thanksgiving and Christmas, however, recent research published in the journal npj Biofilms and Microbiomes by researchers from the Université Laval and the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) suggests that these tart little berries should be included in meals more often, finding that these rich sources of potent …

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Lonely Brains, Anti-Hunger Molecules, and the Father’s Diet: Breaking Down the Breaking News in Obesity Medicine

Lonely Brains, Anti-Hunger Molecules, and the Father’s Diet: Breaking Down the Breaking News in Obesity Medicine

As the U.S. obesity prevalence surpasses 40% in the adult population, the need for effective, long-term weight management solutions has become a national health imperative. In the quest for reliable weight loss interventions, scientists are working tirelessly to address this metabolic health crisis. Amid this challenge, a new star has risen in the form of …

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Could Vitamin D Be The Missing Anti-Aging Ingredient?

Could Vitamin D Be The Missing Anti-Aging Ingredient?

Humans have been on a quest to unlock the secrets of longevity to slow down aging or turn back our biological clocks for centuries, and while we haven’t found that holy grail yet, we have uncovered hints like how certain nutrients could potentially influence the biological mechanisms of aging. Vitamin D is perhaps one of …

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Setting The Spring Congress Stage: Must-Learn Topics + Featured Visionaries

Setting The Spring Congress Stage: Must-Learn Topics + Featured Visionaries

In just a few short weeks, from May 3-5, 2024, the highly anticipated 32nd Annual Spring Congress will bring its invigorating energy to the vibrant city of West Palm Beach, FL. With this year’s theme, “The Metabolic Crisis: From Surviving to Thriving in the 21st Century,” the event will address the most pressing healthcare challenges …

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The Gut-Weight Axis: How Microbiome Health Shapes Weight Management Outcomes

The Gut-Weight Axis: How Microbiome Health Shapes Weight Management Outcomes

The multifaceted and dynamic gut microbiome may be key to unlocking optimal weight management outcomes as the intricate gut-weight connection orchestrates metabolic harmony, aligning targeted weight maintenance with inner microbial health. At the core of integrative, whole-person care lies the understanding that the human body is a network of interconnected systems, each interacting with and …

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Modern Industrialized Societies Are Losing Healthy Gut Microbes

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Modern eating habits have shifted significantly from those of ancient humans, and this is impacting our intestinal flora (gut microbiome). A new study published in Science has found that humans are losing the microbes (cellulose-degrading bacteria) that turn fiber into food for a healthy digestive tract, especially in modern industrialized societies.  Fiber is well known …

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Gut Health: The Foundation of Overall Wellness

Gut Health: The Foundation of Overall Wellness

The significance of gut health has gained prominence in conversations about general well-being in recent years. To be both physically and mentally well, our gut flora must be in good health for reasons ranging from mental clarity to comfortable digestion. This post will discuss the benefits of gut health as the cornerstone of total well-being …

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Live From Miami Beach: A4M March Symposium Highlights

Live From Miami Beach: A4M March Symposium Highlights

Reporting live from Miami Beach, A4M hosted hundreds of modern medicine’s leading game-changers over the March 1-3 weekend at the March Symposium. We’re thrilled to be amongst such an inspiring crowd of renowned experts, pioneering researchers, and dedicated practitioners committed to elevating their knowledge, practice, and patient outcomes — a thriving community we are honored …

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