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Death By Supplement: Insufficient Oversight Leaves Patients Dying In Their Pursuit Of Health

Death By Supplement: Insufficient Oversight Leaves Patients Dying In Their Pursuit Of Health

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, many people turn to dietary supplements, often unaware of the potential dangers lurking within unregulated products. A recent tragedy in Japan, where five people lost their lives, and over 100 were hospitalized due to contaminated nutritional supplements, serves as a chilling reminder of the risks associated with …

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Don’t Forget The Veggies!

Acid Reflux? Try Going Vegetarian

Vegetables are good for you, and this is well supported by many studies (except for those with certain allergies/intolerances and health conditions). However, much like all things, not everything is created equally, vegetables are no exception to this, and some are better than others. We’ve collected a short list of some of the vegetables that …

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Spice Up Your Life

A Guide To Spicing Up Any Meal - No Seriously

Eating healthy does not have to be bland or boring when there are so many herbs and spices available to enhance flavor. Spices play an important role in the way we cook and eat food around the world. Every spice has its own flavoring and essence, and its addition/omission or over/underuse can make or break …

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Can Taking Vitamins Save Your Life? New Data Says Yes To Several Ones

Children’s Nutrition Today: Eating Patterns and Use of Dietary Supplements

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Are vitamins and supplements just a waste, making expensive urine? Or, at least in …

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Climate-resilient breadfruit might be the food of the future

Climate-resilient breadfruit might be the food of the future

Image Caption: Despite having “fruit” in its name, breadfruit is starchy and seedless, playing a culinary role more like a potato. Closely related to jackfruit, the nutrient-rich food is high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Credit: Nyree Zerega at Northwestern University/Chicago Botanic Garden.  Commonly eaten in tropical climates, breadfruit is seedless and starchy, similar to …

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Women can live better with an improved diet

Eat The Rainbow

Women tend to live longer than men but typically have higher rates of illness. Now, new research from the University of Georgia suggests these higher rates of illness can be improved by a better diet, one that is high in pigmented carotenoids such as yams, kale, spinach, watermelon, bell peppers, tomatoes, oranges and carrots. These …

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Half of parents regularly give kids a dietary supplement

Beyond Childhood: Picky Eating In College Students

Kids can be stubborn when it comes to eating the healthy foods on their plate. And now, a new national poll reaffirms that picky eating is a universal parenting challenge. Over half of parents agree that it’s difficult to get their child to eat a well-balanced diet and half say their child regularly takes a …

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Edible Insects, Meet The Six-Legged Superfoods: Grasshoppers Top Insect Antioxidant-Rich List

Insects Aren’t Just Icky, Studies Suggest They Are Nutritious

Vegetarian insects like grasshoppers have higher antioxidant activity than carnivores, like spiders and scorpions. Grasshoppers and silkworms have an antioxidant capacity similar to fresh orange juice, says a recent study. Sure, most of them don’t have six legs – and scorpions, spiders, and centipedes aren’t even insects. But for open-minded health freaks, it’s good news: …

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The Nutritional Power of Pomegranates: 6 Surprising Health Benefits

Eve’s Fruit May Slow Memory Loss

Pomegranates may be tricky to break into, but it’s definitely worth the effort, especially if heart disease runs in your family. Pomegranate’s health benefits stem from its rich supply of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your body needs every day to keep your cardiovascular system running smoothly and prevent diseases like cancer. Half a pomegranate counts …

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Nutrition Tips For Health And Longevity

Signs of Bad Nutrition

Most people do not realize just how important nutrition is, good nutrition is a critical part of health and development, and better nutrition is related to improved health at all ages and walks of life, a lower risk of disease, and longevity. Apart from simply being too lazy to bother, another part of the problem …

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