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New Molecule Extends Lifespan

New Molecule Extends Lifespan

Researchers from the Buck Institute have identified a new pathway for mitophagy which highlights the gut-brain connection. The new drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms, and boosts mitochondria function in mammalian muscle cells. The compound dubbed MIC is a naturally occurring compound, and the findings have been published in Nature Aging.  Defective mitophagy …

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Drug Combination Restores Ability Of Leading Treatment To Signal For Death Of Blood Cancer Cells

Vitamin C May Help Slay Blood Cancer Stem Cells

Despite the promise of new medications that promote cancer cell death in people with acute myeloid leukemia, leukemic cells often adopt features that let them evade the drugs’ effects within a year. Now, according to NYU Langone Health, new research using human tissue samples and mouse models has found that resistance of leukemia cells to …

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The Molecule Holding The Key To Cellular Health And Combatting Age-Related Diseases

Biomolecular Condensate Research Is Gaining Momentum

Breakthroughs in medicine and technology account for a global increase in life expectancy, yet improvements in quality of life for the elderly population lag far behind. Human longevity coupled with poor healthspan expectations is a significant challenge facing anti-aging medicine and the future of population health. Targeted therapeutic interventions and preventive care protocols are necessary …

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Supplement Appears To Boost Muscle, Mitochondria Health

Supplement Appears To Boost Muscle, Mitochondria Health

An oral supplement intended to stimulate a natural body process appears to promote muscle endurance and mitochondrial health in humans. New research suggests that the supplement, urolithin A, may help improve or prolong muscle activity in people who are aging or who have diseases that make exercise difficult. The paper was published in JAMA Network …

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Removing Damaged Mitochondria Helps With Chronic Inflammatory Disease

Temperature Impact On Mitochondrial DNA Evolution

By forcing cells to eliminate damaged mitochondria before they activate NLRP3 inflammasome University of California researchers have discovered an approach that may help to treat patients with some chronic inflammatory diseases, as published in Cell Metabolism. Immune cells employ NLRP3 inflammasome molecules to keep tabs on inflammation, this is inactive in healthy cells, but when …

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