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Effective Ways To Drop Unwanted Pounds

Studies Suggest To Get Active If You Want To Live Longer

At one point or another, all of us have tried to lose some weight, with varying success. Success depends on a variety of reasons, such as some methods being more effective for some than others, motivation, effort put in, and some methods being better suited to certain skill levels. Most often people get derailed when …

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Tips From The World’s Oldest Practicing Doctor On Living A Long And Happy Life

Coping With a Chronic Condition: How to Move Forward

Dr. Howard Tucker is reported to have been practicing medicine since 1947. He was born in 1922 when the average life expectancy in America was only 58 years for men and 61 for women, yet here he is still going strong and offering you some of his anti-aging tips on things that he never does …

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Avocado Is A Good Fat In The Right Portion

An Avocado A Day May Keep Bad Cholesterol Away

Avocado is becoming increasingly popular it can be used in dips, toppers for salads, in a wrap or sandwich and even as a smoothie ingredient. Each serving of avocado is loaded with 20 vitamins and minerals including potassium, lutein, and folate. Folate is needed for cellular repair, lutein is great for the eyes, and potassium …

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Rethinking How Much You Drink

Dangerous Levels Of Toxic Elements Found in Alcohol Bottles

It may be time to rethink how much you drink as contrary to popular belief a drink or two per day may not be helping your heart after all, especially for those over the age of 65. Moderation is key to many things, but when it comes to alcohol you may want to take that …

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Is Coconut Oil As Healthy As Marketed?

Is Coconut Oil As Healthy As Marketed?

According to some human nutrition experts coconut oil does not live up the all the hype of the health halo it has been adorned with, not that it is not better than some choices such as highly processed vegetable oils, but others may be better like olive oil. Coconut oil enjoys being touted as a …

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It May Be Best To Eat Dessert First

It May Be Best To Eat Dessert First

Many people like to eat dessert first because it is the best part. A new study from the American Psychological Association suggests choosing a high calorie treat at the beginning of a meal may not be as bad for you as one might think, as published in APA PsycNet. Desserts have been declared as being …

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Moderation is Key for Exercise Motivation

Moderation is Key for Exercise Motivation

People following a moderate exercise program are more motivated and have higher energy levels than those following a more intensive program. People who embark on a moderate exercise program report higher levels of energy and are more motivated than those who follow a more intensive program, say researchers from the University of Copenhagen. Professor Bente …

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