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Risk Factors For Faster Brain Aging

Lifestyle Factors May Be The Best Way To Reduce Risk Of Dementia

Recent research published in Nature Communications from the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Oxford has identified 15 modifiable risk factors for dementia, and of those diabetes, alcohol intake, and traffic-related air pollution are the most harmful.  Previous research from this group revealed an area of weakness in the brain of a …

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Taking Ownership Of Your Health

It’s Never Too Late To Make Healthful Lifestyle Changes

(CC-BY. 2022 R.Sakaniwa et al. Impact of modifiable healthy lifestyle adoption on lifetime gain from middle to older age. Age and Ageing) Idioms and proverbs about the importance of maintaining good health span the ages. Many emphasize how closely health is tied to happiness and the opportunity to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life. A …

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American Heart Month: A Guide To Heart-Healthy Nutrition

New Look At Nutrition Research Identifies 10 Features Of A Heart-Healthy Eating Pattern

February marks the beginning of American Heart Month, during which healthcare organizations and providers spotlight the significance of public cardiovascular health and aim to raise awareness of risk factors, interventions, and disease prevalence. Today, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to nearly 660,000 deaths each year. Although …

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People With Less Memory Loss In Old Age Gain More Knowledge

Why Do We Forget? New Theory Proposes 'Forgetting' Is Actually A Form Of Learning

Do cognitive abilities change together, or do they change independently of each other? An international research team from the USA, Sweden, and Germany involving the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has presented new findings now published in Science Advances. At the age of 20, people usually find it easier to learn something new than …

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To What Extent Is Cancer A Lifestyle Disease?

To What Extent Is Cancer A Lifestyle Disease?

University of Calgary research conducted using data from the Alberta Cancer Registry has found that cancer is not only closely connected to lifestyle but it can also be changed in your favour. It is very possible to significantly reduce the chances of getting cancer simply by making a few easy lifestyle changes, as a person’s …

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COPD Risk For Asthmatic Women May Be Reduced

COPD Risk For Asthmatic Women May Be Reduced

There is a high chance of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among women with asthma, this new study suggests risks can be reduced with appropriate intervention, as published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with pre-existing asthma is called asthma and COPD overlap syndrome was 42% among …

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